Skull Island – Season 1 Episode 4 Recap & Review

Breakfast Fit For A Kong

In episode 4 of Skull Island, Mike complains about the woods and the enigmatic creatures. They shortly come across a huge bird monster, which Annie’s dog kills by leaping over it. She shares her encounter with the dog with Charlie and Mike over breakfast. She goes on to say that she ended up being close friends with him when he was just a puppy.

They don’t notice that Charlie has disappeared when they are chatting. Thereafter, we learn that he has fallen into an enormous hole. After that, he discovers a sword inside the hole. Shortly after, Mike follows him after Annie’s dog turns down his request to help.

A large bug creature appears. When Charlie attempts to stab it, the tool is too damaged to be of any help. Annie screams for help while acting like she is in danger. Her dog quickly shows up and protects everybody from the bug. The dog attempts to get away when she detects a few guards when they come out from the hole.

Cap, Irene, as well as her group, are attempting to track down Annie on the other end. Cap describes how he once saw a large animal while sailing. They shortly arrive in a field that is lined with lovely flowers. A flower unexpectedly rises and engulfs Irene as she attempts to see it. Following that, they get rid of the flower to rescue her.

Following that, Cap describes the Hollow Earth, an ecosystem that exists within the Earth, to the group. They locate the girl in the end, but Cap is concerned that Irene might kill her. In the episode’s final moments, Annie stumbles into Irene’s trap as she heads out with her dog. They eventually make it to the field in which the bird lives.

The Episode Review

Episode 4 of Skull Island introduces viewers to several thrilling adventures which are truly entertaining. Furthermore, both groups appear to be growing closer to their teams in the process.

Annie falls into Irene’s trap as the episode comes to a close. It will be interesting to see if she is able to escape this time.

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