Skies Behind – The Spaces | Album Review

Track Listing

Red Eyes 
I Love It 
Seven Months 
Harmony Interlude 
So Many Ways 


This is a visceral and cathartic album by Skies Behind, a record which cuts deep and offers meaningful lyrics as well as burgeoning guitar moments. The band has done well to commit to the written word, as every lyric points to troubles, breaking love, and the downsides of life. From the start, the songs cope under the strain, and they’re deeply poignant.  

The beats are incredible at times on The Spaces, ferocious too, and have been diligently created to enforce a statement, as the band want to be noticed for their gifted musical abilities rather than their appearance or likes on social media.

The music has this unique sound, from being loud to slowly embedding the mind.  Nothing is simple either, and the band know they’ve struck a great rhythm, by putting their stamp on rock. This collection is spellbinding, and properly executed, serving the rock fanatics a disc completely built from the ground up.  

‘Red Eyes’ is a standout track, one that has a clear-cut riff. Moments of tenderness do come, though the band still ache to be more than half-alive. That chorus bursts into the frame, totally original and fierce. 

‘Seven Months’ sounds fresh. The vocals are slender, and the band can’t shake off the grit and the turmoil. Then the song lifts and shows its true character. Those riffs create a frenzy.  

‘So Many Ways’ delivers sadness and the craving for hope. The band is hurting so much that they’re cascading into the void. That chorus and the arrangements are perfect.  

Skies Beyond delivers a record that they should be proud of. Yes, it may have sad moments filtered through, but it’s all real and vital.    

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  • Verdict - 9/10

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