Sinner – Brotherhood | Album Review

Track List

We Came To Rock
Reach Out
Refuse To Surrender
The Last Generation
The Man They Couldn’t Hang
The Rocker Rides Away
My Scars
40 Days 40 Nights


This is a massive record in terms of musicality and instrumental muscle. Brotherhood by Sinner develops as it plays on, becoming a titanic, colossal behemoth. The guitar wizardry is one thing, but it’s the atmosphere that will pull the listener in, letting them fall into the stratosphere of metal sounds. This record isn’t full of clichés either, and the work these musicians have put into this album should be commended.

From the get go, Brotherhood startles and engages. These grizzled musicians who have been doing this for years have laid down perfect foundations and have worked upon them, placing intricacy at the forefront.

Perfect guitar moments generate, and the music isn’t for the pop fanatics or the causal listener, it’s for the metal community and the people who feel confused by life, as well as being disenchanted and shunted by the world.

Brotherhood excels at the right time. ‘Bulletproof’ starts the record off, commanding the room. The riffs are technical, and lyrically the rage spreads like a rapid fire. That solo keeps on giving.

‘Reach Out’ is a perfect metal song, and the riffs are methodical. Lyrically, the rage doesn’t dissipate, but grows. The chorus describes the promised land. ‘The Last Generation’ sounds like a Metallica inclusion, with a haunting intro birthing a prominent riff. And this isn’t casual metal music, it actually means something more.

Sinner storm through the status quo and their brand of metal music is stylish and has substance. And Brotherhood is an enthralling nod to the forefathers.

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  • Verdict - 8/10

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