Silo – Season 1 Episode 9 “The Getaway” Recap & Review

The Getaway

Episode 9 of Silo starts with Juliette tumbling down off the edge of the stairs… and landing not far down on a pathway leading out into another area of the Silo. She’s gone, but Sims believes Paul Billings has let her go and casts his doubts over the deputy sheriff.

Bernard is not happy either when he finds out, reprimanding Sims. “Rob, I hope you understand what we’re facing here,” He says, as Sims doubles down on his efforts to try and find Juliette. As for Paul, he heads back home and cradles his arm, lamenting that he lost his grip. Despite taking all these medicines and herbs, his partner, Kat, believes Paul should speak up and admit he has the Syndrome. She wants him back in Judicial but Paul has a duty to this position and doesn’t want to give it up so quickly.

Furthermore, should Paul actually come clean and admit the truth, they’ll know that he lied to get the sheriff position and they could send him out to clean. To remedy that, Paul decides to make things right, determined to catch Juliette.

Sims does the rounds, sending various raiders around to different levels to those who know Juliette. Sims visits Pete in person but he feigns ignorance, and claims he knows nothing. And out of all the places that Juliette ends up, she’s actually in Sim’s apartment! Juliette blindsides Robert’s partner, holding her up at gunpoint, urging her not to speak and handcuffing her to the kitchen.

Juliette heads over and uses the computer, checking the contents of the hard-drive. As the percentage slowly ticks up, Paul heads to Juliette’s apartment, which is currently being turned inside out by Raiders. He also has no clearance to go in there, given his role as Deputy Sherriff is being usurped for “the good of the Silo”. Instead, he’s told to leave.

Paul decides to wait for the raiders to leave round the corner before sneaking in himself, going against Silo orders and starting to believe something is not quite right here. He looks everywhere, and after removing the seal on the bathroom cabinet, takes it off and finds the Amazing Adventures book hidden behind. His hand shaking, Paul looks through the pages and is shocked by what he finds.

While this is goes on, Bernard decides to question Lucas about his role in all this and what he’s hiding with Juliette. He reveals a number, 18, and as a result he’s locked up. As for Juliette, she manages to get into the hard-drive, using the code “library” and sifting through the files.

As she does, Sims and Bernard manage to track down the hard-drive, which they know is in Robert Sims’ apartment. Robert’s partner manages to bust herself out of the cuffs, given she has a key in her pocket, and urges Juliette that she needs to think about what she’s doing. Should she decide to stay, they’re going to kill her. So interestingly, she lets Juliette run away.

Juliette manages to get past security again, thanks to Patrick hacking the cameras and helping her slip into his house. She makes it to his apartment and with the help of another IT technician, who re-routes the Drive so it shows that it’s flashing up on a completely different level, manages to hack in and check the files.

That video of George Wilkins is certainly revealing, as he admits that he transferred to Mechanical specifically so he could find someone to use as a guide. That person happens to be Juliette. However, he didn’t account for falling in love with her and he laments his own feelings. George though, tells Juliette that he’s found a 15 foot door of metal and she has to find it.

While this is going on, Paul burns the book he found in the oven but not before ripping a page out for himself to keep, folding it up and placing it in his pocket. As he heads back to the sheriff’s office, holding the paper and contemplating his next move, we cut back to Juliette once more, who learns that the clues she’s looking for happen to be on a file labelled “Jane Carmody Cleaning”

When she plays the video, it shows the outside world; the cam footage from our first cleaner whom we followed at the start of the series. Is this really the truth? Or another veiled lie? We’ll have to agonizingly wait for next week’s finale!

The Episode Review

The penultimate episode of Silo builds everything up nicely to next week’s finale, and it does so with a lot of great characterization along the way. Paul Billings in particular is growing ever-more fascinating as the weeks tick by and here we see his confliction over whether to do what he feels is right and going by the code of the Silo.

Seeing him put that Silo  book in the drawer while holding the lone paper from Juliette’s book, not to mention not even reporting it to Judicial, seems to hint that he’s going to be working with Juliette from this point onward.

With the hard-drive now hacked into, there’s surely going to be a lot more unveiled in the finale, not to mention the possibility of Juliette and maybe some of the other characters finding their way outside too. Either way, given this has been renewed for a second season, I think it’s fair to assume this is going to end on a cliffhanger ready for the follow-up!

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You can read our full season review for Silo here!

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2 thoughts on “Silo – Season 1 Episode 9 “The Getaway” Recap & Review”

  1. Hey, you’re absolutely right I do apologize! Good spot on that account, I’ve just gone in and corrected that now. Really appreciate the feedback and thanks for reading the recap!

    -Greg W

  2. PLEASE be more attentive! ”As she does, Sims and Bernard manage to track down the hard-drive, which they know is in Paul Billings’ apartment” – NO, it was in Robert Sims’ apartment, not in Paul Billings’!

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