Shy – Season 2 Episode 4 Recap & Review

Cloud in the Dark

Episode 4 of Shy Season 2 begins with Ai waking Teru up. Teru informs the audience that she reported Ai’s intel about Ai’s evil counterpart (Utsuro) to Unilord. After that, Ai suggests she and Teru explore some areas to strengthen their connection. Ai, Teru, and Iko visit an undisclosed location. Teru transforms into Shy and Ai loves Teru’s appearance. 

Then, Ai uses a transformation spell and reveals her ninja outfit to Iko and Teru. After that, Ai suggests they play a game of skipping stones. Ai demonstrates what she wants her and the others to do with the stones. Teru and Iko are unsure if they can pull this off. Ai tells Teru and Iko what they must do to pull this off. 

Later, Ai regroups with Tokimaru by a tree. Tokimaru tells Ai he’s monitoring the area. Ai asks Tokimaru about his scarf. Tokimaru says he wants to protect it because Ai gave it to him. He reminds Ai that she gave it to him a while ago. Ai tells Tokimaru she wants to move forward with her plans because she feels she’s the only one who can save Utsuro’s soul. 

Ai notices Teru’s struggling to throw the stone so she gives Teru helpful advice. Teru throws the stone again and hits her desired target. Ai and Iko congratulate Teru. Meanwhile, a bird lands on Tokimaru’s arm. Tokimaru tells the bird to tell the Soga villagers everything will be okay. The bird flies away and Tokimaru reveals he’ll sacrifice his life to protect Ai. 

Next, we cut away to Pepesha, Tony, and Adam discussing Teru’s current predicament and Stigma’s plans. Pepesha hopes they can prevent more incidents like the one with her mother, Letana, from happening again. She also shows concern for Teru. We return to following Teru, Ai, Iko, and Tokimaru. 

Ai discusses her Tokyo experiences with the girls. She says that the Tokyo Tower is her favorite building. We see Utsuro and other Amarariruku members on this tower. The others want to start their operation but Utsuro doesn’t budge. Utsuro feels this scheme is pointless. The others agree but convince Utsuro to move forward with the plan.

Utsuro stabs her sword into the ground, causing a dark sphere to envelop most of Tokyo. Shrimpy informs Teru about this dark sphere and tells her Unilord alerted the other heroes. Several news teams report on the incident. While that’s happening, Teru and the others meet the other heroes and Unilord at Unilord’s space base.

Pepesha tells everyone she tried warping inside the dark sphere but couldn’t. Piltz and the others discuss battle strategies and Amarariruku’s plans. Unilord says she gathered all of them here to tell them they should reinforce security around several areas. Teru suggests they focus on saving everyone inside the dark sphere after they complete Unilord’s task.

Tony understands and tells Unilord they should split into two teams for infiltration and standby purposes. He explains what each team should focus on. Unilord understands and says Adam will lead the standby team. As for the infiltration team, Unilord says Teru will lead them. Adam pulls Pepesha and Tony aside.

Meanwhile, Piltz confronts Teru outside of the meeting room. Teru tells Piltz she doesn’t think she’d make a capable leader because she’s weak. Piltz tells Teru it’s important for her to choose folks who’ll make up for Teru’s shortcomings. Meanwhile, Pepesha tells Adam and Tony that the dark sphere Utsuro created is like the one Letana and Tzveta made in Season 1.

Teru interrupts their conversation. She knows it was difficult for her and Pepesha to contact people on the outside when they were in Letana and Tzveta’s sphere. Therefore, Teru suggests Adam and his team focus on saving the citizens if they can’t contact Teru while she’s in Utsuro’s sphere. Adam understands but asks Teru to try her hardest to return alive.

Teru leaves the meeting room and Ai, Iko, and Unilord greet her. Unilord tells Teru she invited Ai and Iko to the base. Ai tells Teru she wants to help her and the infiltration team. She argues she may be the only one who can help them enter the dark sphere. After that, Teru recruits Ai, Piltz, Mianlong, and Pepesha.

Teru and the others head to section 3. She shares some kind remarks with everyone. Iko wishes them good luck and a portal opens up. The episode closes with Teru and the others walking through the portal. 

The Episode Review

It looks like we’re digging into the meat of this story sooner rather than later. This episode sets fans up for another brawl between Teru, her hero companions, and Amarariruku. Hopefully, this brawl gives several heroes, heroines, and antagonists much-needed depth and shining moments. Whether it’s Mianlong or Utsuro, we’re hopeful this arc will give everyone some notable character-defining moments. 

At the same time, fans will love seeing Piltz, Unilord, and Mianlong encourage Teru. While some may have issues with how Teru responded to her leadership role, many will love seeing other characters support Teru here. Yet, by this arc’s conclusion, we’d like to see Teru teeter away from her shy personality. Hopefully, that change happens through meaningful and authentic means.

Additionally, this episode sets up some stakes for Tokimaru’s character. Although his character, much like Ai’s, hasn’t been delved into heavily enough, we’re certain he’ll find a way to get involved in this Amarariruku matter.

Overall, this was another enjoyable outing from Shy. It brings back some returning heroes and gives fans an interesting set-up for our hero’s fight with their antagonists.

With luck, this arc could bring us wonderful character development, tension, and unforgettable scenarios. 

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