Hand Reached Out
Episode 10 of Shy Season 2 begins with Mai telling Teru she still plans to defeat her and get her revenge on every shinobi in the world. Teru throws Purity in front of Mai and refuses to fight Mai. Teru discusses how she and Mai are the same. Mai argues she’ll always be alone and will never feel lonely.
Teru argues against Mai’s claim and presents evidence to back them up. She slams Mai to the ground and tries reasoning with her more. Mai refuses to listen to reason, pushes Teru aside, and attempts to shatter the black sphere. Pepesha, Piltz, and Mianlong prevent Mai from shattering the black sphere.
Mai attempts to attack everyone but Tokimaru arrives and stops her. Tokimaru promises Mai that her attack won’t wound him that badly. However, Tokimaru argues the more Mai uses Nihil, the more her heart will experience pain. Tokimaru pulls out a written plea. He tells Mai Ai wrote it for their master to pardon Mai for her crimes.
Tokimaru says this would allow Mai to return to Soga Village. He says AI tried submitting this plea to their master numerous times and was punished for doing so. However, this didn’t stop Ai’s attempts. Then, we receive a flashback of a young Ai praying to the gods for Mai’s well-being.
Tokimaru questions Ai about this but Ai says she’s doing this because she argues someone should wish for Mai’s happiness. Tokimaru tells Mai that even if she did mean-spirited things to him or Ai, their feelings for Mai wouldn’t change. Mai argues against Tokimaru’s words since he’s fighting alongside the heroes.
Tokimaru says he’d switch sides if that’s what Mai “truly” wants. Ai gets up, shares kind words Mai’s way, and heads toward Mai. Mai tells her to stay back but Ai continues moving forward.
Before Mai takes Ai’s hand, Inori, Kufufu, and Doki arrive. They’re riding one of Kufufu’s weird mini-cannon vehicles. They fire a cannonball at the black sphere. Although Mai argues she doesn’t have the right to take Ai’s hand she wants her and Ai to fight alongside each other.
Meanwhile, Tokimaru and the others notice Doki and his comrades opened a hole in the black sphere. The dark matter that was controlling the people inside the sphere escaped. It starts affecting people outside of the sphere, turning them into monsters.
Shrimpy and Century inform Teru and the others about what’s happening outside the sphere. Doki interjects and explains why this is a good thing for humanity. Mai appears behind Doki and the others and slices their train into pieces.
Mai tells Doki her hatred for the world hasn’t changed. However, Mai says destroying the world was only a puny dream to her. Enraged, Doki attempts to attack Mai but Ai protects her. Ai and Mai vow to fight Doki and the others. Doki tells Kufufu to take out a bear plushie. He, Inori, and Kufufu enhance the bear with their respective powers.
The bear towers over Teru and her allies and attempts to shatter the sphere more, but Ai and Mai stop it. They use their combined sword techniques to destroy Doki’s crystals on the bear. The episode ends with Tokimaru proudly looking at the girls.
The Episode Review
It took a few words and a couple of thrashings, but Mai is temporarily on our heroes’ side. Seeing her fight side by side with Ai feels great and we’re certain they’ll put an end to Doki and the other Amarariruku members’ scheme.
However, it’s unfortunate that the other heroes failed to stop Kufufu, Inori, and Doki during their solo fights. Granted, this arc convinced audiences to sympathize with Mai, which is fantastic. However, it would’ve been great if we had received more screen time with the other heroes’ battles with these Amarariruku cronies. It feels like a missed opportunity on the other author’s part.
We could’ve obtained a better understanding of their characters and rich development from them. Regardless, it’s likely the next episode will focus on our heroes thwarting Amarariruku’s plans for the world. Hopefully, Mai will live on after this. However, she may receive the Tzveta treatment after this drastic situation ends. Let’s pray that’s not the case.
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