She-Hulk: Attorney at Law – Episode 4 Recap & Review

Is this not real magic?

Episode 4 of She-Hulk starts with a magician called Donny Blaze failing to win a crowd over during his show. With a sling ring in hand, he conjures forth a portal that drops a woman called Madisynn right next to Wong. And when she ruins The Sopranos for him, Wong is not happy and wants to make him pay.

While Jen Walters create a dating profile for herself at work, Wong shows up asking for help. It seems this is going to be the case of the week, with a cease and desist letter the main crux of the drama for Blaze. Jen shows up at his office and hands it over, informing him they’ll see each other in court.

Of course, it’s been a hot minute since we’ve seen men acting badly and that night, we get just that. A guy shows up to see Jen and Nikki while they’re in the bar working, offering to buy them a drink in a rather sleazy way.

However, this is simply a prelude for Jen heading out on a number of different dates, interspersed around the court case with Blaze. Wong regrettably calls on Madisynn for her statement, but it isn’t enough to sway the courtroom. Blaze comes out victorious… at least for now. That night, Blaze does another trick and this time, a whole bunch of demons show up.

Jen happens to be off on a date and refuses to answer her phone as this one’s going really well. That is, until Wong shows up personally and brings Jen in to help.

She-Hulk complains the whole time though, unhappy that she’s missing out on her date. She does eventually show back up, after getting Blaze to agree to the cease and desist terms, and has sex with this random guy. In the morning though, Jen turns back into herself and this man immediately flakes out. Jen shrugs it off as a hot doctor cliché.

However, the news is abuzz as Titania is now free. She’s also filed a lawsuit, suing Jen over the name of She-Hulk which she apparently trademarked first. Uh oh!

The Episode Review

She-Hulk returns with another episode that tries to balance quirky dating, legal drama, comedy and action…. and fails to deliver in almost every single category. The legal drama is basic at best, but that’s to be expected given the writers did proudly proclaim before the show came out they have no idea how to write law dramas and didn’t consult anyone for help either.

This episode we do get a tiny bit of action but this almost feels like an afterthought for what the writers actually wanted to do here – and that comes from the dating and slice of life drama for Jen. The trouble is, the jokes aren’t particularly funny and every single male in this show, with the exception of Wong, is either rude, stupid or horrible.

I appreciate comedy is subjective and there will be some who find this hilarious but the gags just feel tired and forced. Let’s hope next week’s episode is an improvement!

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You can read our full season review for She-Hulk here!


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