Mega Man
Episode 10 of Secret Level whisks us off to the world of Mega Man. Thomas Light’s robotic reinforcements have failed to stop the incoming robots outside, so there’s no choice but to bring out the big guns.
Over in the lab, Dr Light brings in a behemoth; a giant robot capable of taking out those incoming enemy forces. However, he refuses to let Rock, his apprentice, go out and fight the rampaging forces.
However, when a robotic bug shows up and infects the huge robot in the lab, Rock decides to fight back. He stops the giant and then dispatches the tiny robot. Dr Light realizes he’s been wrong this whole time and knows that this is what Rock was made for. As a result, he embraces the idea of Rock becoming Mega Man and, after extensive testing, allows him to head out into the field.
The Episode Review
As a simple origin story, this isn’t too bad but there’s really not a whole lot to sink your teeth into. This is easily one of the shortest episodes of the entire season and while the art style is different to most of the photo-realistic chapters in this anthology, it doesn’t do a whole lot with that other than a simple origin story.
Personally, it would have been nice to see some more nods toward the videogame, or even some extra action at the end. Either way though, this is still an enjoyable episode, even if it is super short and lacking in areas.
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