Savings – How Do You Feel? | Album Review

Track List

How Do You Feel? 
Cry With You
To Be Honest 

Madness and sadness are explored on this EP by Savings. A band hooked on pop punk and punk elements, they break through with emotive songs which point to the lack of love and hope while they recklessly release their wrath.

How Do You Feel? is their momentous diary for the outcasts, with an array of songs brimming with emotion and care.  

The instrumentals charge when they need to, though there is a more subtle edge to these tracks; a sombre element which does lift everything up. The band hurt, there is no denying that, and while they sing and play, their minds must be working overtime.  

Pop punk has been blended into this EP, as well as punk notes. Rightfully pushing their talents, the band vigorously focuses on their sound, challenging their own resolve and spirit. The EP isn’t too loud, nor is it abrasive, but what it does have is plenty of flair.  

‘This Summer’ starts the EP. A strum turns into a full-blown riff, and the lyrics point to loneliness. The chorus bursts in and creates a different dimension, proving the act are diverse in their output.  

‘Cry With You’ drives the acoustic vibes. The vocals are soft, the chorus progresses, and the song blooms into a gallant effort. Those subtle edges also develop.  

‘Temporary’ is a lyrical gem, a cathartic push for peace and serenity. The band try to crush the pain, but they’re on the ropes, looking at the stars for a sign. The cycle isn’t halting either.  

Savings outdo themselves with their EP. Yes, it’s a sad record, but one that raises the bar for pop punk.  

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  • Verdict - 8/10