Welcome to Sugar Park
Episode 3 of Sakamoto Days begins with Lu entering Taro’s shop. Shin scolds Lu for being late to work. He continues to scold her for her horrible work methods. Shin tells Taro to fire Lu but Taro refuses. Taro insists they complete more tasks. Shin and Lu are perplexed by Taro’s chatty behavior. Then, the real Taro arrives.
The real Taro confirms the fake Taro is his buddy, Nagumo, in disguise. Nagumo tells Shin, Lu, and Taro that there’s a one million yen bounty on Taro’s head. He says the bounty will be posted soon. Nagumo argues some hitmen caught wind of Taro’s potential return too. Concurrently, a pizza man named Pizza Nakajima arrives and delivers Taro’s pizza.
Nakajima takes out two pizza cutters and threatens to harm Nagumo while he’s tied up. Nagumo appears behind Nakajima and strangles him. Taro stops Nagumo from killing Nakajima. Nagumo warns Taro about possible hitmen coming after him. Before Nagumo leaves, Taro asks him who will benefit from his demise.
Nagumo’s unsure. He takes Nakajima and departs. Meanwhile, we cut away to the gentlemen spying on Taro’s shop in episode 2. We learn their group is called Dodenkai. Dondenkai’s upset Nakajima didn’t kill Taro. Dodenkai’s leader suggests they attack Taro when he’s most vulnerable.
He tells his comrades that Taro was a former member of The Order. Taro points his gun at a camera, and the Dondenkai group realizes he knows of their existence now. Taro tells the group not to stalk him, otherwise, he’ll show them hell. Taro and Shin discuss Taro’s dilemma. The former insists they lay low for now.
Then, Aoi and Hana greet the boys and Taro remembers that he planned an amusement park trip with his family. Later, the Sakamoto family, Shin, and Lu visit the Sugar Park amusement park. After riding a roller coaster with the Sakamoto Family, Shin and Lu privately go over their Sakamoto Family protection mission.
Shin informs the audience about his psychic abilities. He confirms he can read minds that are within a 30-meter radius. He says his powers work like a radio station and require him to focus. Shin tells Taro there is an enemy nearby. We learn the enemy is a janitor named Kurii. Taro knocks out Kurii as soon as he closes in on him.
Shin and Lu take Kurii’s body somewhere. Taro regroups with Aoi and Hana near Sugar Park’s mascot, Sugar Bunny. One of the Dodenkai members observes Shin and Lu from afar. Then, this person analyzes his documents that have intel on Taro and Shin. This individual plans to hide his killing intent to avoid complications with Shin’s psychic abilities.
Then, the Sakamoto family, Shin, and Lu ride the Turbo Teddy roller coaster. Lu notices the man who spied on them earlier. She tells Shin that he looks suspicious. Shin reads his mind and learns Lu was right to suspect this person. Shin tries to free himself from the ride’s safety bar but can’t. He warns Taro about the person.
Shin frees himself with a gun and heads to the culprit’s seat. He frees the culprit and the two land on a different part of the ride to fight. The culprit poisons Shin with a kunai and discusses Shin’s flaws with him. A roller coaster kart travels near the two. Shin and the culprit briefly continue their clash on the kart.
Then, Shin tackles the culprit, and the two land at a stage show’s stage. Concurrently, an event is happening at this location as smoke envelops the stage. Shin swiftly puts on a Sugar Bunny costume. Once the smoke clears up, Shin fights the culprit on stage. As Shin fights the culprit, he reads Taro’s mind.
Taro tells Shin how to attack the culprit since the poisons make it hard for him to fight alone. Shin defeats the culprit. The episode ends with Taro and the crowd applauding Shin.
The Episode Review
Sakamoto Days episode 3 introduces audiences to new characters and organizations. Little is known about Nagumo, besides his crafty behavior and history with Taro. Nevertheless, it was kind of Nagumo to warn Taro’s group about the bounty and hitmen issue.
While it’d been great to receive more details about Nagumo, viewers can assume we’ll learn more about him soon. The same can be said about The Order. The Order is likely an elite hitmen group based on the Dondenkai’s group’s discussion earlier in the episode.
While Nagumo says Taro doesn’t have to worry about him or other Order members coming for his head, the “JAA” could change that. Therefore, it’d be best for Taro’s group to remain cautious. This chapter had compelling humor and action. From witty banter to exhilarating fisticuffs and stunts, many will find this episode’s material pleasing.
Although some will find the source material’s take on this episode’s events more stimulating, new and long-term fans will applaud TMS Entertainment Studios for trying to capture the author’s artwork. But all in all, this was a fun showcase from this show.
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