Sakamoto Days – Season 1 Episode 2 Recap & Review

Vs Son Hee and Bacho

Episode 2 of Sakamoto Days begins with Shin reflecting on Taro’s battle with his former boss and his allies. Shin says Taro killed them and Aoi questions Taro about it. Taro tells Shin that he didn’t kill Shin’s former boss and his allies. Aoi reminds Taro that if he kills someone, she’ll divorce him. 

Aoi heads outside to sweep. Meanwhile, Taro tells Shin not to ask him questions about his family’s rules. Taro and Shin visit Niikita Chinatown to purchase pork buns. Then, a character named Lu Xiaotang leaps out of a building and lands on Taro. 

Taro and Shin realize the pork buns are ruined. Then, some gang members confront Lu, and Lu fights them. Taro and Shin assist Lu. More gang members arrive so our heroes flee the area. The gang members report Lu’s antics to the CEO of DAN, INC.  

The CEO confirms his group murdered Lu’s entire clan. He doesn’t want Lu to escape. He asks the gang member to depart and send for someone to get Lu. Before the gang member departs, a man named Bacho beheads him. He teases his brother Son Hee about it. 

The CEO tells Bacho and Son to get Lu and her key. He argues the key will help him rule all of the black market. Bacho and Son understand. As Taro, Shin, and Lu flee, Lu informs them about her clan, the importance of her key, and what happened to her parents. 

Our heroes arrive on a rooftop. Taro tells Shin that he wants to help Lu with her issues. Bacho and Son arrive and the former sends Sakamoto into a nearby building. Lu informs Shin about Son and Bacho’s career and Taro returns to the battlefield. He sends Bacho to the floor below them with a punch. 

Lu refuses to give Son her key. Son tells Lu that they killed her parents. Taro stops Lu from attacking Son. We enter a flashback. Taro and Aoi attend a rooftop Christmas event. Aoi notices blood on Taro’s face. Taro says he had to work to get her a gift. 

Aoi tells Taro she doesn’t want to be with him because of his career. She leaps off the building but Taro saves her. When the two land, Aoi asks Taro not to kill anyone anymore as a part of their family rules. Aoi says this will make up for all the people Taro’s killed. She also wants Taro to save people instead. Taro and Shin defeat Son and Bacho.

Meanwhile, the CEO is angry because he wants to open Lu’s family’s vault. Lu, Taro, and Shin deliver Son and Bacho to the CEO. Lu pummels the CEO but refuses to kill him. She wants to live a happy life and argues killing him wouldn’t be the right thing to do. Lu opens her family’s vault. She, Taro, and Shin find the former’s family’s treasure inside. Then, our heroes eat the smashed pork buns. 

Later, Taro and Lu greet Shin at Taro’s shop. Shin learns Lu’s going to work here as a pork bun maker. Lu doesn’t want to use her family’s heirlooms for cash. After Taro shows Shin and Lu his family’s rulebook, we cut away to a meeting between several men. 

The men are monitoring Taro’s shop. One of them shows the other documents from the JAA. The episode ends with the gentleman telling the others that someone placed a one billion yen bounty on Taro’s head. 

The Episode Review

This episode introduces fans to Lu Xiaotang, a tai chi martial artist from a prestigious clan. While the death of her family and clan carries little weight, many fans will feel sorry for Lu. Those who’ve lost loved ones to murderers will resonate with her feelings about the CEO and the Hee brothers.

Additionally, this episode shows that Taro isn’t an invincible hitman. This is an interesting discovery. It will make future altercations between him and other hitmen more suspenseful. Moreover, the episode gives fans some wholesome material regarding its comedy. 

From Aoi’s threats to the banter between Shin and Taro, episode 2 provides fans with some humorous segments. The animation was a bit jagged in places though. While the main fight between Taro and Son’s group was exciting, some action scenes looked bland. 

Nevertheless, the episode closes with an interesting cliffhanger that’ll make audiences ponder. I’m interested to see who put the bounty on our heroes’ heads. 

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