Sakamoto Days: Chapter 159
Sakamoto Days is a fairly modern and popular action comedy manga written and illustrated by Yuto Suzuki. It follows a retired and proficient hitman named Taro Sakamoto who enjoys living life with his family and running his neighborhood store. However, when someone places a bounty on his head, Sakamoto must return to the life he once lived to protect his family. The story has had 10 arcs (so far) and we’re currently exploring the Assassin Exhibition of the Century Arc.
If you’ve been following this manga, you may be curious to know when the next chapter will be released. Well, wonder no more!
Here is everything you need to know about chapter 159 of Sakamoto Days, including the release date, time, and where to read this.
Where can I Read Sakamoto Days?
Sakamoto Days can be read at a number of different places online. Viz Media is available for those in the US and Canada, while Manga Plus also has the rights to drop new chapters. However, it will also be available to read on Shonen Jump too.
The printed volumes only go up to number 14 in Japan at the time of writing, so reading online is the definitive way to read this one.
Sakamoto Days: Chapter 159 Release Date
Sakamoto Days: Chapter 159 will be released on Sunday 17th March at approximately 3pm (GMT) / 7am (PT) / 10am (ET). Of course, it’s really dependent on how quickly these chapters are uploaded. Expect this to be pretty close to the release time though.
All other chapters are available to read on the above websites, while the ongoing anime is also available on Crunchyroll.
Expect the chapter to be roughly 20-26 pages long. This is also a weekly release so expect the next to drop in a week.
How Many Chapters Will Sakamoto Days Have?
There’s been no indication that Sakamoto Days is going to end any time soon. However, Suzuki confirmed in a JUMP GIGA 2023: Winter (a quarterly sister magazine to Weekly Shonen Jump) issue back in 2022 that he had already planned an ending for the series. Yet, no specific date or timeframe for the manga’s final chapter has been stated (so far). Therefore, it’s best to expect this series to continue for a year or so.
What Happened In Chapter 158?
Chapter 158 of Sakamoto Days continues where we left off in Chapter 157 with Shin asking Haruma to compete in a sumo match with him. Shin hopes this sumo duel will allow him to defeat Haruma. Before they begin, Haruma asks Shin why he’s fighting diligently. Shin says it’s because he’s fighting for someone important to him.
Haruma says he’ll accept the challenge. However, if either of them gets pushed out of the ring, they must die. Shin accepts Haruma’s terms and the two engage each other. Although the fight seems to lean toward either side winning, Haruma starts overwhelming Shin with his skills. Before Haruma pummels Shin, Shin tells Haruma to stop.
Haruma stops in his tracks and can’t seem to move. Shin’s unsure what happened just now. Nevertheless, he uses the opportunity to grab Haruma’s face. The chapter closes with Shin planning to toss Haruma outside of the ring.
What do you hope to see as the arc progresses? What’s been your favorite moment of Sakamoto Days so far? Let us know in the comments below!