Rewind revolves around John, a career-driven person whose ambitions to become the CEO of his company after the owner retires turns him into an inconsiderate husband, father and colleague. John neglects his wife, Mary and son Austin. John and Mary are childhood sweethearts and have had a happy relationship until John’s ambitions get in the way. At home, he is always on the phone and pays no attention to their son, while Mary gives up everything to be a loving, caring housewife.
All hell breaks loose when the CEO promotes John’s competitor during a birthday party, leading an angry and drunk John to resign after insulting his boss. While packing up his office, Vivian approaches him, and in his drunken state, John deeply kisses her, saying it is a goodbye kiss.
Unbeknownst to John, his assistant captures the interaction between him and Vivian on video, which she sends to Mary the following day on their way to Austin’s performance. Mary is furious and unclips her seatbelt, threatening to jump out of the car.
The argument distracts John, who is driving, and he does not see a man jump in front of the car, which leads to an accident and, eventually, Mary’s death at the hospital. In the grieving period that follows, John encounters Lodz, who offers him a chance to save Mary, but the second chance comes with the condition that someone has to die in her place.
The premise of Rewind is nothing unique since countless movies about second chances are available. In addition, the execution is sloppy, and the dialogue can be bland at times. The narrative is rushed in the beginning as it blazes through, building the love story of the marriage falling apart. Therefore, the script loses us on adding some uniqueness to the story through the illustrations of the loving bond between John and Mary, which would have set the film apart by leveraging Marian and Dingdong’s chemistry.
The story development is vague, and it lacks the emotional investment in the characters to underline the plot twist about giving up one’s life to save the other. The narrative is filled with clichés that make the audience continuously scowl and can be easily dismissed as a mediocre film.
The highlight of Rewind though centres on Mary and John’s chemistry and the nostalgia for their outstanding roles in the past as an onscreen and real-life couple, which is nostalgic.
Rewind is predictable and carefully shades between the lines, offering nothing unique or heart-wrenching which is a shame. It’s not a bad film
Read More: Rewind Ending Explained
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Verdict - 6/10