Renewed Or Cancelled?
The romantic comedy anime TenPuru revolves around the character Akemitsu Akegami, who falls in love with a stunning woman and resolves to purge his mind of any impurities. Akemitsu resolves to train as a monk and goes to a temple. The sole issue is that all the attractive women, particularly the one he likes, are in the temple.
If you’ve finished watching this one, you may be curious to know whether it has been renewed or canceled. Will we ever see TenPuru Season 2? Here’s what we know:
What is TenPuru about?
In the romantic comedy, protagonist Akemitsu Akagami was stigmatized for the entirety of his life due to the fact that he was brought up in the household of legendary womanizers. Now he hates everything about being an Akagami and is determined to erase his family’s shame by leading a celibate lifestyle.
We have extensive coverage of the show across the site, which you can find here.
Has TenPuru been renewed for season 2?
At the time of writing, executives have not yet renewed TenPuru for a second season. This is not surprising given that the workplace comedy anime has only recently wrapped up on the streaming platform.
While renewing a series, networks evaluate a variety of factors, such as how many people initially watch it and the drop-off rates. Some series undergo fast cancellations or renewals. Other times, it may take several months for them to decide whether or not to renew a show.
In light of everything, we believe that TenPuru will likely not receive a second-season renewal, given its limited popularity.
What we know about TenPuru season 2 so far:
Season 2 of TenPuru has not yet been officially confirmed. However, we may witness some more stories of amusing and awkward moments that Akemitsu and the girls at the temple share, which ultimately lead to them growing closer than before.
As previously stated, we anticipate that this will not be renewed, but we’ll have to wait and see. However, as soon as new information is made available, we’ll be certain to update this article.
Do you hope to see TenPuru: No One Can Live on Loneliness return for a second season? What did you think of the show? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Hi i love tenporu And i Hope there Will bee second season