Has ‘Heartstopper’ been renewed for Season 2? Here’s what we know:

Renewed or Cancelled?

Have you seen Heartstopper yet? If so, you will probably want to see another series of this excellent show. This Netflix romantic drama about Nick and Charlie, two teenage boys who tentatively begin a relationship with one another, has received excellent reviews and is currently scoring high on Rotten Tomatoes.

Fans of Alice Oseman’s graphic novel series of the same name have been waiting a long time for a televised adaptation and judging by comments made online, they have not been disappointed. It would appear that the Netflix show is faithful to the original work, which is a good thing as Oseman’s relatable work of fiction is beloved by many.

What is Heartstopper Season 1 about?

The first season ended in a rather sweet way but just in case you haven’t seen it yet, I won’t give away any spoilers. It didn’t end on a cliffhanger so it doesn’t necessarily need a second season. However, in its 8-episode run, only the first two volumes of Oseman’s graphic novel series were covered so there is potential for a second and even third season.

The story itself centers on Charlie, a year 10 student who finds himself becoming romantically involved with Nick, the school’s rugby star. With a lovable group of supporting characters, they navigate the world of romance and school bullies.

We have extensive coverage on Heartstopper across the site, including recaps for all 8 episodes, which you can find HERE. We also have a full season review too, which you’re welcome to read HERE!

Will We Get To See Heartstopper Season 2?

At the time of writing, Netflix have confirmed there will be a second and a third season for Heartstopper!

Heartstopper has received acclaim from both critics and audience members alike so the chances of the series being cancelled were pretty slim. Heartstopper is one of the best shows of recent times to cover themes that are relatable to those in the LGBTQ community. Of course, the show can be watched by anybody, regardless of sexuality, as it is a warm, funny, and optimistic show that is a cut above many other series being broadcast today.

As current viewing figures are evidence of its popularity, it makes sense that Heartstopper has been renewed. The cast and crew were also optimistic about a second season renewal and you can see what they have to say below.

What Could Happen In Heartstopper Season 2?

The third and fourth volumes of Heartstopper see Nick and Charlie continue their relationship as it is made public. We get to learn more about Nick as he comes to terms with his bisexuality. And the relationship between supporting characters Tao and Elle is deepened. As the first season was faithfully adapted from Oseman’s graphic novels we can expect to see these storylines covered if the series is allowed to continue.

In a recent interview with Them, Kit Connor (Charlie) and Joe Locke  (Nick) were asked about what they wanted to see happen in a future season.

Joe mentioned the trip to Paris that took place in the graphic novel and how he would like to see that brought to the screen. He also expressed an interest in exploring Charlie’s mental health struggles. He said:

“I would be interested in going down the route of Charlie’s mental health. That’s also a really important part of Heartstopper because Alice has found this way of writing these really quite serious topics, but doing them from an optimistic lens. When you later see Charlie struggle with his mental health, you can always see that it’s going to be okay. That’s really important to portray to a younger audience.”

In the interview, Kit talked about the relationships between the supporting characters and how there was room to explore those more deeply. He said:

“I’d love to see how Elle and Tao’s friendship and possible romance blossoms as it does in the graphic novels. I think that would be amazing because they’re two brilliant characters, and then there’s also the great storyline between Tara and Darcy. There are really cool things, and sweet and interesting things, that could be explored. There’s so much content that Alice has given us to play with, and so much to work with. If we were lucky enough to get future seasons, then that would be an amazing thing to tackle.”

What Does ‘Heartstopper’ Creator Alice Oseman Have To Say About A Second Season?

Alice Oseman, who acted as executive producer on the show, wants to explore some of the darker themes of her graphic novels in a second season. In an interview with Digital Spy, she had this to say.

If we do get future seasons, I’ll definitely want to be bringing in the themes of mental health, because that’s something that’s really important in the books. The challenge of writing Heartstopper is exploring those darker issues while keeping the tone so optimistic and hopeful. That has been, like, the struggle of writing it for me the whole way through.

But I like to think that it’s possible [laughs]. I feel like I have achieved it in the books. I’ve been able to be very candid about mental health, and I explored that in a real way, while not writing something that’s intensely triggering or really dark and horrible to read or watch. So that is very much my goal for the show.”

She also hinted at a teacher romance between Mr. Ayaji, the art teacher from season 1, and another teacher we haven’t spent time with yet. This would certainly be interesting to see as the struggles of being openly gay within a school environment aren’t only confined to those who are still in their teens.

When Will Season 2 Of Heartstopper Be Released?

Your guess is as good as ours! But given there is already source material laid out and the show’s creators have a clear vision for where they want to take this one, it’s not outside the realm of possibility to suggest this one could be returning to our screens in 2023. But for now we’ll have to wait and see!

Are you looking forward to Heartstopper returning for a second season and beyond? What did you think of season 1? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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