Has Secret Level been renewed for Season 2? Here’s what we know:


Secret Level is the latest animated anthology series coming right from the team behind the much-loved Love, Death & Robots. With compelling characters and intriguing stories, all set in different videogame worlds, this one definitely has some stand-out elements. Across the 15 episodes, there’s a complete mixed bag of ideas here and for the most part, it works pretty well.

If you’ve finished watching this one, you may be wondering if this has been renewed or cancelled. Here’s what we know:

What is Secret Level about?

Secret Level is the latest adult animated anthology series, featuring original stories set within the universe of some of the world’s most beloved video games (and Concord). 

So what games are featured here? Well, the first half of the show takes us into the worlds of Dungeons & Dragons, Sifu, New World, Unreal Tournament and Warhammer 40k. From here, we then dive into a surrealist take on Pac-Man (more on that shortly), Crossfire, Armored Core and The Outer World.

One of the hotly anticipated chapters comes in the form of Mega Man, which is disappointingly only 5 minutes long, followed by Exodus, Spelunky, Concord, Honor of Kings and a PlayStation advert called Playtime: Fulfilment.

Out of this collection, the most original interpretation of a videogame stems from Pac-Man. Here, we see our titular character thrown into a surreal labyrinth where a humanoid is forced to try and escape a maze by eating its enemies before they eat him. It’s a nice play on the 80’s game and it’s a shame then that more of the chapters don’t follow suit with this level of creative storytelling.

We have extended coverage of Secret Level on the site, including recaps for every episode and a full season review. You can check those out HERE!

Has Secret Level been renewed for season 2?

At the time of writing, Secret Level has not been renewed for season 2. Generally Amazon would gauge numerous metrics before renewing a show, including how many people initially watch it and then looking at the drop-off rate.

With some shows, cancellations or renewals happen quickly. Other times, it can take months before a decision over a show’s future is made. So far, Secret Level has had a pretty good reaction online from critics and audiences alike, but similarly there are reservations about the level of story quality, which aren’t as strong as those seen within Love, Death & Robots.

Given the way this show is set up, and the ending we receive, we’re predicting that this will be renewed for a second season. There’s so much scope to move into and in a recent interview with ScreenRant, creator Tim Miller spoke about his desire to try and get a Pong episode and even a Fortnite chapter into an anthology series format. 

However, we could be completely wrong too, so take this with a pinch of salt.

What we know about season 2 so far:

Barely anything is known about Secret Level season 2 at this point. The anthology format certainly leaves this open for more and given the completion rate is usually a big point for streamers to renew, we’d imagine this one has a pretty high completion rate, lending itself to a renewal and – hopefully anyway! – more episodes set in different videogame worlds.

With all being considered, there’s lots here that could potentially be explored with a follow-up. However, we’ll be sure to update this page when more information becomes available.

Would you like to see Secret Level return for a second season? Or do you think the story has run its course? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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