Renewed Or Cancelled?
Metallic Rouge is an anime original series airing on Crunchyroll. This anime blends sci-fi and action and is set in a glorious futuristic setting. After finishing all 13 episodes, you may be wondering if this got renewed or canceled. Here’s what we know:
What is Metallic Rouge Season 1 about?
Metallic Rouge is a completely original anime created by Yutaka Izubuchi and Bones Studio. This anime follows two agents named Naomi and Rouge who must stop nine powerful beings who pose a threat to their organization.
We have extensive coverage of Metallic Rouge across the site. A full-season review and coverage for all its episodes will be on the website soon. However, you can keep track of all that coverage HERE!
Has Metallic Rouge been renewed for season 2?
At the time of writing, Metallic Rouge has not been renewed for a second season. Given the nature of the show’s content, that could change.
Generally, Bones Studios gauges numerous metrics before renewing a show, including how many people initially watch it, gauging fan reaction, and then looking at the drop-off rate. With some shows, cancellations or renewals happen quickly. Other times, it can take months before a final decision is made about the show’s future.
So far, Metallic Rouge has had a decent reaction from audiences and critics alike, with most commenting on its wonderful action, enjoyable cast, and interesting lore.
Given the way this show is set up, there’s potential for this one to get green-lit. However, it could be too early to say if one will be.
Nonetheless, we’re going out on a limb and predicting that this could be renewed for a third season.
We’ll be sure to update this section with accurate details over the coming weeks and months when we know more!
What we know about season 2 so far:
Barely anything is known about Season 2 at this point, given that Bones Studios has not green-lit a sequel. However, once the animation studio does greenlight another season, we believe the second season will continue exploring the world and the cast’s activities.
Moreover, Bones Studios announced on the Metallic Rouge Japanese Website that a Metallic Rouge webtoon adaptation will be released on 7th March 2024 on LINE Manga and ebookjapan. Whether or not, this will contain content that doesn’t appear in the anime begs to be seen though.
Having said that, it’s up to Bones Studios to decide if this anime’s worth green-lighting for another season. Based on the reception it’s received online, we predict that this could be renewed for another season. However, we’ll be sure to update this page in the future when more information is known!
Would you like to see Metallic Rouge return for a second season? What did you think of this anime? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Yes I would very much like to see more seasons. The themes are good and the anime and action is fantastic. More seaons to allow for more character developement.