- FBI is a crime-thriller show that follows the lives of officers who work at the New York branch of the FBI, solving various cases. They are tasked with keeping the city clean and sniffing out the bad guys every day.
- Like other streaming platforms, CBS determines whether to renew a show based on various factors, such as completion rate, viewership numbers, production costs, and more.
- As of now, CBS has officially renewed the show for Season 7
The FBI franchise has been doing well, with fans always tuning in to see the different teams take down hard-core criminals in high-tension situations and save the day.
If you’ve binged the entire five seasons and caught up with the ongoing season 6, you might be itching to know if there will be a seventh. This article has all the details you’re looking for.
What is FBI Season 6 about?
Season 6 saw the return of Maggie, who nearly died in season 5 after inhaling toxic gas. Season 6 picks up the pace and interweaves more personal storylines for our favourite FBI team. Even though the season is still ongoing, we know that Tiffany is tripping after a close colleague died on her watch. Omar is struggling in his new relationship while Maggie is contemplating being a parent.
Has FBI been renewed for Season 7?
Exciting news for all the fans out there! We can confirm that Season 7 of FBI is on its way! CBS has officially announced the show’s renewal, sparking anticipation and excitement among the fanbase. CBS confirmed that the show will be renewed for two more seasons, so this means we will also be getting a season 8. Exciting, isn’t it?
What we know about Season 7 so far:
While we know nothing, we can expect the show to maintain its structure and introduce even bigger cases for the team to solve. We would love to see at least one of them have a happy relationship outside work. Either way, we are pumped to see how the team will continue to evolve and deal with high-pressure events that threaten the safety of New York.
Do you want to see FBI return for a seventh season? What did you think of the show? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!