Queen of Tears – K-drama Episode 5 Recap & Review

Episode 5

Queen of Tears is finally back, after a long, painful wait for the weekend. Well, it’s here and it doesn’t disappoint. This episode of Queen of Tears begins where the previous episode ended. Hyun-woo has found Hae-in, who was lost due to her hallucination episode, and hugs her to comfort her. As they sit underneath a nearby tree, Hyun-woo’s family come looking for Hae-in and she’s touched by their concern for her; since she doesn’t receive such concern and affection from her own family, it’s a big deal. 

Back at Hyun-woo’s parents house, Hae-in and Hyun-woo find it awkward to be in the same room. Hyun-woo is also attracted towards Hae-in, despite all his attempts. He leans in to kiss her but leaves the house. After deliberating on whether to go back, he finally ends up at his family’s store, drinking with his brother.

Meanwhile, Hae-in is dumbfounded at how Hyun-woo just left her. She goes over to find him and overhears that he doesn’t want to go back to the room at all, gets annoyed and returns by herself. 

Simultaneously, we discover that Hyun-woo’s father, Baek Du Gwan, has shared news of the divorce with another villager, much to the dismay of the Baek family. Du-gwan visits the villager to make sure he hasn’t passed on the gossip. The villager assures Du-gwan that he only told his mother, who has dementia. 

Elsewhere, Soo-cheol finds a clip of Hae-in, eating at her in-laws’ and happy. He shows it to his mother, who feels a bit jealous of Hyun-woo’s mother since Hae-in seems happier around her. 

While Hyun-woo is at the store and Hae-in is in the room, we see a flashback from 2 years ago. It seems that the couple lost their baby and Hae-in coldly clears away the nursery.

Hyun-woo feels offended by this gesture and decides to sleep separately in the room meant to be the nursery. We see Hyun-woo crying that night quietly while Hae-in is grieving and blaming herself. We aren’t sure what really happened yet but it seemed to be the cause of the rift between them. 

The next day, Hyun-woo returns to the room to find Hae-in ready to leave. They meet the villagers before leaving and the grandma with dementia recognises Hyun-woo for a split second, gives him advice about divorce – amidst the shocked Baek family – and leaves. Hae-in is quite confused but doesn’t pay much attention to it. They finally leave in silence. 

After parting with the two, Du-gwan, Mi-sun (Hyun-woo’s older sister) and Hyun-tae (Hyun-woo’s older brother) discuss Hyun-woo and Hae-in’s relationship. Mi-sun reminisces how passionately Hyun-woo responded when she gave money to Hae-in, asking her to break up with Hyun-woo. She questions what happened to their love. 

Meanwhile, Hyun-woo and Hae-in reach home while its pouring down with rain. Hae-in emphasises that she did not wait for Hyun-woo and also observes that he is getting wet, holding the umbrella for her. They meet Eun-seong on the way, who has been invited by Hae-in’s mother to stay at the guesthouse with them. 

While Hae-in freshens up, she notices a line drawn on her palm. At Hyun-woo’s house, she complains about her life line being too short on her palm. 

She meets Eun-seong, who lies to her that Hyun-woo isn’t bothered by Eun-seong (Hae-in’s male friend) staying at their house and asks if they sleep in different rooms. We discover that he already knew about their relationship from Grace Go. Grace told him that despite how he’s treated, the Hong family keeps Hyun-woo’s opinion in high regard.

Eun-seong recognises that Hyun-woo is keeping the family from breaking apart and that he needs to be gone so that Eun-seong’s plan can succeed. And so, these statements to Hae-in were his attempt to keep the couple apart. 

Later, Soo-cheol explains to Eun-seong that all the Hong houses are connected through an underground network. Though all of them appear to enter different houses, essentially the entire family lives together; this is how the chairman designed the structure. While this is happening, Hae-in leaves as she doesn’t feel like eating. 

Later, Soo-cheol explains to Eun-seong that his mother got him a talisman so that Hae-in cannot overpower him, much to Eun-seong’s amusement at the stupidity of it all.

Hae-in visits the hospital for her checkup. While leaving, she sees the man who delivered juice in the office once, the one whose baby was in the incubator. She asks about the baby who is in the ICU and then asks the man to deliver 250 juice bottles to the office, trying to help him.

Elsewhere, Soo-cheol proposes a bizarre 1 trillion won project to the chairman but Hyun-woo interrupts, highlighting the risks involved. The chairman agrees with him and discards the proposal. 

Hyun-woo receives a call from the dog-owner, back at the hunting site. The man tells Hyun-woo that he found a dash-cam footage of the day from a gas delivery person. Hyun-woo takes the memory card for restoration as the footage has been deleted due to less memory of the card. 

In the Hong kitchen, Mo Seul Hee and some experts are trying to figure out the chairman’s meal, Beom-ja interrupts them and insults Seul-hee, yet again.

While they are left alone, Seul-hee hits Beom-ja but chairman refuses to believe it when Beom-ja complaints to him about the issue. Instead, Beom-ja orders to get a background check on Seul-hee. 

Elsewhere, Hae-in gets entangled in another hallucination but comes back to her senses when Eun-seong finds her. The two go in for a media interview but Eun-seong is suspicious about Hae-in’s health. He later finds from Grace Go that Hae-in has not been getting medical checkups with the family. He asks Grace to figure it out. 

Meanwhile, Hae-in’s the doctor tells her that her white blood cell count is too low for the CAR-T cell therapy. He further tells her that at this state, the researchers in Germany will refuse to perform the therapy but Hae-in is adamant in going. Beom-ja overhears their conversation. Hae-in tells her about the scenario, and Beom-ja is in shock. 

Meanwhile, the chairman is showing his collection of precious artworks and artifacts to Eun-seong. We discover that Eun-seong had met the chairman while he was at the orphanage. He tries to get the chairman’s good opinion by gifting him a portrait of Napoleon: the Chairman’s favourite historical personality.

Later, Beom-ja sees Hae-in leaving for Germany without Hyun-woo. She later confronts Hyun-woo about it and it seems that Hyun-woo was unaware about Hae-in’s departure. 

While camping with his friend, Hyun-woo is distracted; he keeps worrying about Hae-in. Meanwhile, Hae-in is undergoing check-ups in Germany. Hyun-woo finds an interview video of Hae-in, stating that she wants to travel with Hyun-woo after she achieves her dreams of increasing sales. Watching his, he immediately changes his mind and leaves for Germany. 

Meanwhile, the doctor refuses to operate on Hae-in due to her low WBC count. Hae-in is annoyed and visits a place of no sorrow, which she had visited with Hyun-woo for their honeymoon. Hyun-woo arrives there and apologises to Hae-in that he should be there for her. Hae-in acknowledges that she wants Hyun-woo to be with her too. They kiss teary eyed and reconcile. 

In the epilogue, we discover that it was Hyun-woo who drew on Hae-in’s hand, elongating her life-line that she was so worried about.

The Episode Review

This episode was quite somber. Hyun-woo also feels like a jerk, considering he wanted Hae-in dead just because he hated her, which is a bit of a stretch making his character a bit unreasonable.

Even in the flashback, although we don’t know the whole picture, he just assumes that Hae-in does not care about what happened to the baby, not realizing that she is grieving and struggling in her own way. They definitely have a massive communication gap. Furthermore, their back-and-forth about their relationship is quite repetitive now, and frustrating to watch. 

The best character at this moment seems to be Beom-ja in the Hong family. Although, she behaves immaturely, she genuinely cares about her family members – her father, brother, and niece. She even tried to bring her family together by smoothing out the ties between the chairman and the eldest son. All these attributes make her quite wholesome and humane. 

What do you think about the episode? Let us know your thoughts and we will meet you in the next recap.

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