Protocol: Rain – Season 1 Episode 4 Recap & Review

 A Promise That Connects -3way Handshaking-

Episode 4 of Protocol Rain begins with the commencement of the e-sports tournament. Seshiru is upset that Fox One changed their entire lineup and Yurukki isn’t playing. Emiko confronts her about being a fan of e-sports or just one specific player.

The manager of Sleeping Owls confronts Jonathan about Fox One’s players as they don’t match the data Jonathan provided. Jonathan assures him it won’t be a problem as they are amateurs.

Fox One players discuss a strategy considering their strengths. As the match begins, Seshiru explains the goals of a detonate/defend match. Sleeping Owl fakes a rush to point A, but then plants the eraser at point B. Fox One players are unable to defuse the eraser and lose the round. In round 2, Rox and Shun take each other out in a battle with assault rifles. Fox One is struggling with 5 consecutive losses before switching sides.

The team looks up to Souta for advice, but he is unable to provide the group with any meaningful input. Shun comes up with a plan, and they decide to rush B together.

The team delivers a stunning performance and manages to win the first round. Yuki uses her hearing abilities to predict the positions of players, allowing them to pre-fire or shoot them through walls. The team also employs a combination of smoke and flash grenades to take out multiple targets. They maintain their momentum and secure victory in 7 consecutive rounds.

Sleeping Owl is infuriated with their loss. Jonathan apologizes for underestimating the opponent, but the manager assures him that they can make up for the loss in the next matches.

Fox One celebrates their victory at dinner. Souta offers them the opportunity to continue playing for him in the future, but Nozomi redirects his focus to the present. The others agree, considering their personal reasons.

Upon arriving home, Mio congratulates him for winning the game, asserting that she knew he would. His mother discovers news of the tournament. She intervenes before Mio can spill any details and offers them tea, complete with sugar at the end of Episode 4 of Protocol Rain.

The Episode Review

Episode 4 of Protocol Rain finally brings us the much-anticipated e-sports match, and it is nothing less than expected. The team managed to make a thrilling comeback after hanging by a thread, almost getting knocked out with 0 rounds won. The team then delivers an epic comeback winning matches in a row to make it to the top. 

The gameplay includes a lot of strategies used in the game, making it relatable to viewers. However, the storyline and their success story are a bit unrealistic. Shun and the others were real amateurs at the start. The anime fails to convincingly show us that they have put in a considerable amount of work to skill up.

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