Paatal Lok – Season 2 Episode 5 Recap & Review

Off Balance

Episode 5 of Paatal Lok season 2 begins with flashbacks showing Ansari’s first day at work. It’s a harrowing reminder of what’s come to pass, as we cut back to the present. Meghna speaks to her superior and is racked with guilt given Ansari rang her before he passed. However, the DIG is quick to remind her that he didn’t ring and they need to cover this up.

As for Rose, despite being shot and presumed dead, the reality is she may not actually be. She tumbled down a steep hill and Daniel Acho, the shooter and hired killer, is hot on her trail. The police are also there too, making his hunt that much more difficult, but it’s still unclear exactly where she is right now.

Meanwhile, Chaudhary receives word of Ansari’s death and he’s overcome with grief. He’s also not happy when he finds out Bhardwaj is intending to shut this case down and hand it over to the local cops in Nagaland to sort out. He also doesn’t believe the current story that these three kids killed Thom. Even worse though, Ansari is being made out to be a scapegoat and taking the blame for the police’s messed up work in Nagaland.

A chat with Uzair, the man Ansari was in a relationship with, only fuels the flames of desire to try and get to the bottom of this for Chaudhary. Unfortunately, he takes out his frustration on Renu, which isn’t a great idea, given the strain their marriage is currently under.

Reuben Thom comes under fire from Kapil Reddy surrounding the death too, although he claims he wasn’t the one who ordered the guy to be killed. However, Kapil does throw Reuben’s mum under the bus, pointing out that she’s not the saint she’s making herself out to be and he shouldn’t trust her.

Chaudhary finds out the next day from Satbir Singh that the case is being closed by their superiors. However, Chaudhary is going to continue his investigation. In fact, he obtains the phone triangulation report from Singh for the night of Thom’s murder.

Checking over the report, Chaudhary brings this to Virk, who agrees to accompany him to see Mallik, as he’s clearly hiding something, given the phone records don’t add up to his statement. They bust into his wedding and when he tries to run away, Chaudhary corners him.

In private, Mallik admits that he was having an affair, and Rose was embroiled right in the middle of this. She was receiving hush money from Thom due to her affair with him and they even had a child together too.

Mallik asked Rose to blackmail Max for more money, given his businesses were struggling and he saw this as an easy way to make a quick buck. However, things clearly didn’t go to plan as Rose and Raghu fled together after an incident involving Thom, which we still don’t know if Rose is involved with or not.

As the episode closes out, Rose happens to be in surgery getting patched up for her gunshots. As for Chaudhary, he’s still drinking but he does get Renu’s blessing to solve this case.

The Episode Review

The case is starting to take shape now and it’s clear that there’s a lot of issues that Chaudhary is trying to work through. It’s quite harrowing seeing the reaction to Ansari’s death, especially from the superiors who are quick to just sweep it all under the rug and move on. That’s obviously not going to fly with Chaudhary who’s determined to do right by his friend and colleague, stopping those responsible and solving this once and for all.

It’s clear that Rose is the key to all of this though and we’ll have to wait and see what sort of impact she’ll have on the story if/when she wakes up. This definitely throws a lot of shade over exactly what’s happening and who killed Thom – and why.

Either way, with 3 episodes left, things are just starting to get interesting now!

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You can read our full season review for Paatal Lok here!


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