Ossan’s Love (Thai BL) – Season 1 Episode 2 Recap & Review

Episode 2

Episode 2 of Ossan’s Love begins with Heng venting to Chicha and Thua-ngok about how he’s ended up with two men confessing their feelings for him. He tells them what happened with Mo. The morning after Mo kissed him, Heng wanted to speak with him but Mo pretended nothing happened and left. Thua-ngok bets that Mo’s kiss meant nothing while Chicha makes a bet saying Mo is shy and masking his feelings.

At work, Kongdech begins calling Heng by the nickname Hengney. He then puts Heng and Mo on an assignment together. The two of them meet the clients, Alone and his boyfriend Kaitong. Alone was Heng’s junior at school and Heng is a bit shocked to see Alone’s boyfriend. When they’re on their own, Heng asks Alone how he realised he was into men. Alone says it all began when he and Kaitong shared a house to save rent.

Mo and Heng then show the couple a few different apartments. They seem to have different priorities and get into an argument. In the end, they reject all the apartments they see. Back at work, Mo says he and Heng shouldn’t work on this client together. Heng speaks to his senior colleague Ten and gets more apartment options. Heng then ends up asking Ten for advice on the Mo situation, without revealing his name. Ten advises him to talk things out.

Mo and a colleague named Meow go for dinner to Thua-ngok’s restaurant. We see that Meow clearly has a crush on Thua-ngok. She then gets Mo to open up about his bad mood. Without revealing identities, he confesses that he was drunk when he kissed Heng and is afraid of his rejection.

Meow encourages him to talk with Heng. But Mo doesn’t think Heng likes him back, due to his reaction, and wants to make sure they stay friends. At home that night, Mo brings up the kiss. But he plays it off as a prank and nothing more. The next day, Alone and Kaitong continue to argue about the apartment. Heng vents about it to Mo.

Kongdech then calls Heng to the office roof and offers him a lunch box.  Heng enjoys the food and they discuss the case of Alone and Kaitong. Kongdech reminds Heng of how he diplomatically solved a tough case of a father and son during his early days at work. Soon after that case, a thief tried to steal Kongdech’s bag and Heng brought it back. Heng then helped bandage Kongdech’s sprained ankle.

At present, Kongdech admits that’s when he realised he had feelings for Heng. Heng tries to say he doesn’t feel that way but they are interrupted by Mo, who storms up to Kongdech and argues that he’s exploiting his authority. Mo admits that he likes Heng too and he and Kongdech argue about who knows Heng better. They both quite literally butt heads but when a client calls, they simply drop the argument and get to work.

At the bar that evening, Mo tells Heng that he does really like him. Heng asks Mo if he only moved in with him because he wanted something in return. The question offends Mo, who says he’ll move out and leaves. Even Chicha and Thua-ngok tell Heng he shouldn’t have said that. Heng goes home to find it empty except for an omelette that Mo had cooked for him.

The next day, Heng finds that Alone and Kaitong have made up and chosen the first place they saw. It was a simple matter of doing some renovations and wanting to come home to each other. This makes Heng realise something and he rushes off to find Mo.

Meow tells him that Mo took the afternoon off. Heng runs home to find that Mo is about to leave. He apologises and asks Mo to stay, as a friend. Mo also apologises and says he can’t be just friends with Heng. He takes his suitcase and leaves.

The next day at work, Mo refuses to tell Heng where he slept. Kongdech then calls for a meeting and announces that they are going for a company retreat. Heng suddenly asks if he can bunk with Mo, determined to be his friend again at the end of Ossan’s Love Episode 2.

The Episode Review

Ossan’s Love Episode 2 continues with the premiere’s robust energy, although the storytelling seems to have settled a bit. After a frantic premiere featuring two confessions, a hospital scene, and one kiss, Episode 2 limits itself to a more focused plotline. And it works. The episode feels more streamlined and easier to dive into thank to its narrower focus on the aftermath of Mo’s kiss and whether he will reveal his true feelings or not.

The trajectory of Alone and Kaitong’s relationship house hunting issues also makes an interesting parallel to Mo and Heng’s conflict. The writing and editing are both tighter, even the comedy lands softer and better like in the argument between Mo and Kongdech. All three main characters, Heng, Mo, and Kongdech feel a little less slapstick and a little more human, which bodes well for the following episodes.

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