Nothing To See Here – Episode 8 Recap, Review & Ending Explained

Missing Piece

Episode 8 of Nothing To See Here starts off the back of Alexis’ disastrous performance at the club. With the place shut down thanks to Johanna’s big protest, we pick up with Charly desperate to try and find a job. He’s eking out a living, doing anything he can to make ends meet. Alexis is back home, but Charly is forced back too when he receives the bad news that his grandmother has passed away.

What happens at the funeral?

The funeral goes ahead and Roberta, the director, shows with flowers and a bunch of his grandma’s belongings. It’s all rather overwhelming for Charly, while Azul shows up too. She wants to know why Alexis has backed out on his dream. Alexis begins weeping, telling Azul he can’t do this anymore. Charly is shocked by his friend’s actions and everything implodes.

Counsellor Jose shows up to see Charly the next day. He’s from the notary’s office in Queretaro and he’s here regarding his grandmother’s will. She’s left him a bag of money and a letter too. There’s 209,352 pesos to be precise. And it’s all in cash too, inside a carrier bag.

Meanwhile, Alexis gets a wake-up call from several blind men outside. They’ve heard of Alexis and they’re inspired by his journey to Mexico City. It turns out Charly has been making videos about his best friend throughout his entire journey to the capital, which has been broadcast online. Alexis is surprised by his friend’s dedication to the dream, and it’s actually his father, of all people, who brings Alexis back to see Charly, Azul and Jimmy. It does the trick, and Alexis gives an inspired speech, informing him that they’re family.

Does Alexis nail his performance?

With everything ironed out, it’s time for part 2 of the comedy show. This time, everyone is there to support Alexis. There’s no danger of the place being shut down either, and Alexis knocks it out the park with his improvised routine. He discusses the nature of being blind and with a tinge of truth and reflection to his words.

After the show, Azul and Alexis hug it out, while his father decides to throw away all the eyeglasses. He’s had enough of trying to cure blindness and decides to embrace his son for who he truly is rather than trying to change him.

As the episode closes out, we get a bit of an epilogue. Alexis, Charly, Azul and Jimmy are a tight unit now. In fact, Alexis is hooking up with Azul, and has fully wiped his hands of Johanna, who continues her crusade for trying to stop “exploitation of the blind”. Alexis calmly tells her to stop and Charly ushers her out and back to her seat. Alexis is prepared to keep going with his dream, and he’s not about to fool for the old tricks of the past.

The Episode Review

Nothing To See Here ends with a feel-good conclusion, one that sees Alexis and Charly back on the same page, and Alexis finishing his stand up routine to much applause. It’s perhaps an obvious ending give the way this one began, but it’s a nice touch all the same.

The subplots are all resolved too, although undoubtedly some of these characters haven’t quite been used to their full extent. Johanna and Jimmy in particular have felt a bit one-note and don’t have a whole lot of depth to them.

However, the ending does round things out in a nice way, with a good dose of humour and plenty of feel-good drama too.

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