Nobody Wants This – Season 1 Episode 9 Recap & Review

My Girl Bina

Episode 9 of Nobody Wants This begins with Noah and Joanne discussing Noah’s dream of being a Rabbi. Since a young kid, he’s always wanted to feel safe and this was his way of embracing that desire.

For now though, it’s onto meeting Noah’s parents. And that is, of course, going to be very tricky. If they don’t approve of Joanne then could be all over. In the middle of this though, Morgan and Joanne are still at each other’s throats.

Morgan claims that she’s just trying to help and heading out, she speaks to Sasha. Specifically, how Rebecca believes they’re getting back together and she wants him to find out the truth from Noah.

Meanwhile, Noah shows up with Joanne. Although Ilan (his dad) is quite warm, Bina is not. Unfortunately, Joanne immediately messes up by adding in prosciutto to her food gift, which is against Jewish customs to eat pork. It’s not a good start so Noah saves her from more embarrassment by showing her around his house. Of course, when Joanne jumps on Noah upstairs in the bedroom, Bina bursts in and sees them together.

Downstairs, Esther speaks to Sasha and points out that Rebecca knows who Morgan is and played dumb with her. She fed a whole bunch of lies just to mess with her, knowing that Morgan would spill the beans to Joanne. It was all a sabotage ploy (insert surprised Pikachu face here).

At the dinner table, things take a frosty turn when Joanne and Bina butt heads over Joanne’s job. When Joanne messes things up with her potential mother-in-law, Joanne decides to speak to her and patch things up. It turns out she’s eating prosciutto when she enters the kitchen, so Joanne uses this leverage over her, keeping Bina’s secret to twist the family to her liking.

Joanne actually covers for her, and the drama is resolved. As they hug goodbye after a good dinner, Bina promises that she’ll never end up with her son.

The Episode Review

Nobody Wants This continues to cycle through its roulette wheel of “drama resolved in the same episode”, this time coming from Joanne meeting the parents. The fact that this is the shortest episode of the series, coming in at under 20 minutes, is quite disappointing too as it doesn’t give a lot of room to work with.

It’s actually quite frustrating because there’s some great dialogue in here and a few funny jokes too. But given how this show hasn’t really had much in the way of conflict, it does feel like it’s missing a big trick in not adding more chaos to the fold.

Still, with a 30 minute finale coming up, there’s still time for that to change.

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