Ninja Kamui
Ninja Kamui centers around a former ninja called Joe Higan, who’s ambushed by assassins who seek bloody revenge on him and his family for their betrayal after escaping his clan and fleeing into rural America. This is basically like a bloody revenge manga brought to life – and the show is all the stronger for it!
Here is everything you need to know about episode 3 of Ninja Kamui, including the release date, time and where you can watch it.
Where Can I Watch Ninja Kamui?
Ninja Kamui will be released on the streaming service Max (previously HBO Max). Unfortunately, that also means that those in the UK and other regions that don’t have Max yet will not be able to watch this series. However it does look like Channel 4 have the rights for this one so for those in the UK we’ll have to wait and see whether they stream it.
Ninja Kamui Episode 3 Release Date
Ninja Kamui Episode 3 is expected to drop on Sunday 25th February. Episodes will release at 3am (ET). Each episode’s run time is approximately 25 minutes.
How Many Episodes Will Ninja Kamui Have?
Season 1 of Ninja Kamui will feature 12 episodes, with episodes releasing every Sunday from its premiere. With that in mind, you can expect there to be 11 more episodes to go.
Is There A Trailer For Ninja Kamui?
There is! Check it out below to get a glimpse of this anime thriller:
What do you hope to see in season 1 of Ninja Kamui? What’s been your favourite moment so far? Let us know in the comments below!
You are absolutely right I do apologize. Definitely not November SO thanks so much for the heads up there! I’ve just gone in and corrected that now.
-Greg W
I think you need to edit your content. Is it really November 25?