New Pagans – Making Circles Of Our Own | Album Review

Track Listing

Better People
Find Fault With Me
A Process Of Becoming
Fresh Young Overlook
There We Are John
Karin Was Not A Rebel
Bigger Homes
Hear Me, You Were Always Good
Comparable Reflections
The State Of My Love’s Desires


The energy is tangible, and New Pagans’ efforts don’t go unnoticed. The act is the real deal, and it’s brave and audacious to say that their record, Making Circles Of Our Own, is a masterclass in storytelling and technical riffs – but it really is. All the band want is to be classed as frontrunners in their scene, and with this record as their statement, they can be anything they want to be.

It really is a classy affair, and the band knows they’ve struck gold, and have designed their own atmospheric feeling in this LP. Their music has a knack for drawing people in, placing the depressive notions to one side and weaving magic. It might sound bold, but New Pagans deserve to be placed amongst the elite, even if they have to cut through the hyperbole.

All these melodies have classy finishes, and the harmony between the vocals and the instrumentals is gratifying. Lyrically, the band tell tales of broken hope, loveless characters who swoop in and out, and late night drama. The words are also deeply ingrained, notably entrenched in all that matters on this record.

‘Better People’ starts the record off in a fine flourish. The vocals are angelic, and the rough guitar lines are interwoven. Trials and tribulations become explored, and the band doesn’t hold back. It’s a majestic start.

‘Fresh Young Overlook’ begins with a brilliant riff that grows. The vocals again are beautifully enriched, and the track reveals all in its simplicity.

‘Comparable Reflections’ opens impressively too, turning heads and minds throughout. It’s infectious as that dynamic guitar lick manages to blossom, while the vocals direct the anecdotes.

New Pagans is on the road to making it big, and this record is a lynchpin for the rock fanatics.

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  • Verdict - 9.5/10

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