Mythic Quest – Season 4 Episodes 1-2 Recap & Review

Episode 1

Episode 1 of Mythic Quest season 4 begins with David giving a quick heads-up on how the company is doing. Their profits have definitely taken a hit since COVID has ended and everybody is back to work again. Ian and Poppy are back from GrimPop and are currently working on a new expansion.

They both craft a big theatrical showing, dropping from the ceiling and… it was all a dream. Ian’s dream, to be precise. He heads over to share his dream with Poppy and how he wants to craft MQ’s newest expansion pack, which would be Heaven.

Poppy is down for working on this but not at 2am. When she closes the door, it turns out she has a new boyfriend.

In the morning, the gang pitch their Elysium idea but Rachel is not too enthused by this. Ian brings up how David is too preoccupied by Dana and what she’s doing. Apparently Playpen has cracked 1 million players and it seems we’re continuing with her storyline here.

David shrugs off the pair’s expansion plans, pointing out that there’s no time constraints on this and they have all the time they need to work on it. As for Dana’s crew, they’re obviously fractured off from the main MQ gang and doing their own thing.

Dana speaks to Rachel outside and decides they need boundaries at work. Specifically, they need to separate out their personal and professional lives, and make sure that no game secrets are shared either.

Jo and Brad also find themselves coming to terms with their new roles in the office, with Dana challenging Jo to think beyond this job and try to be more.

As for Poppy, she now has a boyfriend and this explains her bouncy, nonchalant mood. However, Ian is clearly not entirely happy with this, but Poppy is similarly not comfortable with telling him what’s going on.

That night, everybody ends up at the art gallery. Rachel and Dana are there on a date, as are Poppy and her boyfriend, Storm, too. Ian and David also show, and here the former finally meets Poppy’s fella. Turns out he’s involved with the art gallery and they’ve also been collaborating with coding and various work-themed ideas. Unfortunately, Ian doesn’t take that too well.

Episode 2

Episode 2 of Mythic Quest season 4 begins with big problems. It turns out Playpen has a serious issue with fornication, as players are turning these little games into sex games. Or “Condo games” as they call them. MQ don’t have the time or the budget to sort out the moderation of these manually, so they contemplate getting AI to do it.

David and Ian decide to press forward anyway, despite the ramifications of this. However, Dana isn’t here, despite her being the one to create the game in the first place.

Ian is prickly with this idea, blaming Poppy’s “extra-curricular activities” as the reason for their AI device not being ready. Well, as a result she decides to create an AI version of herself to do the heavy-lifting for this new Expansion Pack. Funnily enough, Poppy is not happy when Ian messes with the code and makes her the perfection version of herself.

Poppy decides that, in retaliation, she’s going to make an AI version of Ian. Naturally, the pair decide to work with their own AI versions of themselves, which reveals the worst parts of their own personality.

David brings everyone in for the ethics surrounding the AI moderators but nobody is really bothered, especially Dana who’s on her phone and gets Jo to do the talking for her. They discuss the different games in Playpen and then have a bit of a vent. As a result, there’s going to be some layoffs in the company, and he levels all of this to Sue to sort out.

That night, Ian and Poppy both realize their own flaws and discuss their AI counterparts. They know this isn’t the right way forward and decide to smash up their AIs and get back to basics.

The Episode Review

So Mythic Quest returns after a 3 year hiatus and Poppy remains the best part of the show. By contrast, Dana is the worst. There’s obviously some fractures in the team, but we don’t really see too much of that. I’m still not sure why Dana wasn’t part of the initial meeting about the sex games inside Playpen. Given it’s her creation, and surely she should have been a lot more bothered about the implications of this, given her high and mighty attitude throughout the past few seasons.

However, Ian and Poppy’s relationship is the real highlight of this show and the first two episodes do a good job of adding another obstacle for them to overcome. With Poppy now involved in a relationship with Storm, Ian is struggling to come to grips with this, obviously jealous over what she has with him.

The new expansion pack for MQ should be interesting, while the idea of adding AI moderators into the game too, which is almost certainly going to backfire.

Beyond that, the show continues with the same humour and wit from seasons before, with as many hits as there are misses. It’ll be interesting to see what direction this one goes next week though.

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