My Love Mix-Up! (Thai) – Season 1 Episode 6 Recap & Review

Episode 6 Recap – The Talking Stage

The recap of My Love Mix-Up! Episode 6 begins with Atom waking up early, excited to meet Kongthap. He builds up expectations of Kongthap greeting him with finger hearts and more but in reality, Kongthap greets him as usual. Atom complains to Half that there is no change with them despite being in the talking stage.

Half suggests Atom send Kongthap a hint about this. But while Atom is busy thinking about what to do, Half has something of his own to worry about. But his friend doesn’t pay attention.

Atom ends up sending a text to Kongthap by mistake and Kongthap replies that they should talk in person. Kongthap turns out to be standing right by Atom and the two discuss things. But they both don’t know what people are supposed to do in the talking stage.

Atom goes to Mudmee for advice but finds her looking sombre in the library. She admits that Half rejected her. A flashback shows Mudmee telling Half about her feelings. But he doesn’t even remember the first moment they met at the entrance exam. He even tactlessly tells her she’s mistaken him for someone else. At present, Mudmee moans about how no one really sees her. She’s just like air and will disappear just like it.  

Atom confronts Half and blames him for making the ‘lovely Mudmee’ this way. When Kongthap overhears, Atom clumsily explains that he considered her lovely way before. Kongthap is unaffected and says Mr. Suea, their professor, wants to see Atom.

Suea introduces Atom to Mr. Annop, a substitute student counsellor. He wants to help Atom decide what he should study since his was the only aptitude test turned in empty. Annop suggests they look for Atom’s passion. Atom inadvertently mentions he has a crush on a classmate and asks what couples in the talking stage usually do.

We then see Atom telling Kongthap that they should have lunch together, as Annop suggested. They see other couples being lovey-dovey in the canteen and go enjoy their lunch on the roof instead. Atom then sees Kongthap’s hand and tries to touch it but Kongthap is surprised and pulls it back. Embarrassed, Atom makes an excuse and runs away.

Elsewhere, Half speaks to Mudmee and asks her to tell him about the memory. Mudmee describes how she was upset due to forgetting her exam card but Half still can’t recall anything. But he does remember another incident.

It was one Valentine’s Day the previous year and Mudmee offered him a cupcake she had made. Mudmee is glad to know that he remembers her gift even though he received so many. But her mood turns sour when he can’t recall eating it. She angrily declares to forget everything about him and storms off.

Atom, in a bad mood as well, tells Annop what happened with his crush. Annop says it could be because of the school setting and that they should go out. As Atom is trying to formulate a text asking Kongthap on a date, Kongthap himself overhears and agrees. They decide to go the following Saturday.

Half rushes up to Mudmee and says he’s remembered what happened. A flashback shows that Half dropped Atom’s cupcake, which he got from Mudmee. So Atom ate his to make them even. At present, Half even shows Mudmee a picture to prove it. He assures her that he considers her a really good friend and apologises for not liking her back.

They make up and Half turns back but Mudmee calls out again. She promises to let him get to know her better. At that moment, Half suddenly remembers the memory Mudmee was talking about.

Later, Mudmee and Atom talk on the phone. Mudmee tells Atom to choose his clothes for the date based on auspicious colours. The next morning, Kongthap’s mother realises he’s all dressed up for a date. She admits she wore every auspicious colour for her first date with his father.

Just like Atom, who is wearing white, green, and red for attraction, splendidness and luck respectively. In fact, he’s dismayed when Kongthap shows up in a black jacket – inauspicious, although he does look dashing.

They get ready for the movie and Atom gorges on popcorn. He says the movie is called My Cat President and the cat in it, Mametaro, reminds him of Kongthap’s cat. During the movie, Atom tries reaching out to hold Kongthap’s hand again but misses.

When the cat dies at the end of the film, Atom is upset. Kongthap pats Atom’s hand to comfort him but Atom is surprised and pulls away. He admits that he tried to hold Kongthap’s hand on the roof and Kongthap’s reaction made him think that he didn’t want people to see them together.

Kongthap explains that he just pulled away because he felt a static shock at the time. But now he’s even looked up how to avoid such shocks and locks his fingers with Atom’s. Needless to say, Atom is overjoyed.

Atom then takes Kongthap to a temple where people tie ribbons to make their wishes come true. And the higher you tie it, the higher the probability of the wish coming true. He leads them towards the mountain top. They finally reach a bridge that will get them to the top, but the glass floor brings out Atom’s fear of heights again.

Kongthap helps guide Atom across the bridge by telling him to look into his eyes instead of looking down. They make it to the top and tie their ribbons. It turns out that both of them picked pink ribbons which are meant for wishes of love.

When they head back down, Atom holds onto Kongthap’s hand and they agree to not let go till they reach home. But suddenly they come across Mr. Annop and they both let go, concluding the recap for My Love Mix-Up! Episode 6.

Episode 6 Review

Now that the recap for Episode 6 is done, here is the episode review! Episode 6 is another fun ride on the My Love Mix-Up rollercoaster, this time showing two youngsters exploring what it means to be in the talking stage. This episode gets all the notes of innocent young love right, with both Atom and Kongthap trying to charter unfamiliar territory. The entire storyline brings out how awkward it can be to hold your crush’s hand for the first time. And both actors portray the uncertainty and awkwardness really well.

Additionally, there were some nice callbacks to the actors’ previous show My School President as well as to the original Japanese My Love Mix-Up! where one of the main leads’ dogs is named Mametaro. Mudmee and Half’s story also gives us more of a background to their relationship.

We get to see Half’s perspective of how he remembers Mudmee and the whole Valentine’s cupcake debacle is light and entertaining. Particularly when you realise Atom is to blame for it. All in all, the series continues to be a light and easy watch.  

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