My Home Hero – Season 1 Episode 11 Recap & Review


Episode 11 of My Home Hero begins with Kyoichi putting the clues together and realizing Tetsuo and Kasen framed him. He calls Nobuto’s father, Matori. Kyoichi tells him Tetsuo killed his son and explains his schemes. Kyoichi says Matori can believe the organization if he wants, but if Matori sides with them, Nobuto’s murderer will live a good life, unlike him. He tells Matori the organization planned to frame someone for Nobuto’s murder if they couldn’t find the true killer and hand them over to him.

Kyoichi tells Matori that the organization didn’t care to look for his son when they found out he participated in an armed robbery. They only pretended to find Nobuto because they wanted to use Matori. Matori thanks Kyoichi for the info but doesn’t care if Kyoichi or Tetsuo killed Nobuto. He’ll have no issue spending time hunting either of them down. Kyoichi thinks he’s lost the battle as Matori throws a tantrum in his office. Matori calls Kubo about Tetsuo and asks him to buy him something.

Matori and one of Kubo’s men visit Reika’s apartment. The man unlocks the door, and Matori orders him to leave him alone so he can investigate the area with his ALS light. Tetsuo notices someone’s coming, so he hides in Reika’s closet. Tetsuo panics and doesn’t know why Matori’s here. Matori plans to check the bathroom based on feedback he received from Kyoichi during their phone call. Kyoichi tells Matori that Tetsuo may have hidden the body there, but Matori doesn’t see anything weird. Tetsuo’s certain Matori won’t find conclusive evidence because Kasen did some deep cleaning in the bathroom.

Although he spots some blood on the toilet, Matori deduces it’s a woman’s blood sample, not Nobuto’s. However, he spots blood splatters on the ground with the ALS light and follows the trail to Reika’s closet. Tetsuo realizes he’ll have to stop Matori because he can’t conjure a way out of this one. Matori cries and drops the light, realizing his son’s death. The light shines on the closet, revealing Nobuto’s blood. Matori asks if Tetsuo’s here, and Tetsuo reveals he killed Nobuto to him. Tetsuo doesn’t know what to do, so he believes his best option is to turn himself in to the authorities.

Tetsuo listens to Matori’s demands but isn’t sure if his life’s in danger. Matori says he doesn’t plan to call the cops. He wants to kill Tetsuo and his family, and this reminds him of their conversation at the bar in a previous episode. Matori explains his horrendous plans for Tetsuo’s family to him.

Tetsuo and Matori get into a fight, but before Matori calls Kubo, Tetsuo grabs Matori’s phone and breaks it. Kubo calls Doi (the man who accompanied Matori to Reika’s apartment) to see what’s happening. Doi says Matori told him to leave him alone, so Kubo believes it would be best to leve him be. Doi notices cops pulling up to the apartment and panics.

Meanwhile, Tetsuo and Matori are bloodied and battered. After sharing their different takes on the situation, the episode closes with Matori choking Tetsuo out with an extension cord.

The Episode Review

This was an intense chapter of My Home Hero. Seeing two fathers clash over their respective children was nerve-wracking and heartbreaking. Although Matori’s lost his entire family, Tetsuo’s not willing to let go of the ones he has left. It was bone-chilling hearing Matori confirm what he plans to do to Kasen and Reika in front of Tetsuo.

Although Nobuto’s a scumbag with little to no redeeming qualities, some folks may feel terrible for Matori for losing the last bit of family and humanity he has left. To make matters worse, both men are on a tight time limit with the cops arriving at the scene. There’s no way Tetsuo will find the time to murder Matori and not get caught by the police.

This episode’s cliffhanger will leave fans contemplating the season finale’s outcome. Whether the police will arrest Tetsuo for murdering Nobuto or wind up taking down Matori for harming Tetsuo is up in the air at this point. Hopefully, we receive a great conclusion to this battle between fathers.

Overall, this was a suspenseful chapter that leaves much to think about. While the animation isn’t the best, viewers will love the themes shared in this one. I’m curious to see how it all unfolds in episode 12.

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