Wounded Hero, Burning Bright and True!! – Recap
Our recap of ‘My Hero Academia’ season 7 episode 10 features Jiro injured by All for One’s sudden attack, but she stands her ground, recalling how her friends have been hurt by the villain in front of her. She counterattacks with her vibrations, trying to break All for One’s masked suit, which they believe is his life support system.
At the same time, All for One attempts to attack her again, but the stolen quirks inside him fight back, trying to prevent him from launching an attack on the young heroes.
While Endeavour is down, Hawks, Jiro, and Tokoyami launch attacks one after another, chipping away at All for One’s suit one piece at a time. Meanwhile, All for One muses about how the quirks have been rebelling against him and wonders if their being copies is the issue.
He finally breaks free and launches an attack with blade-like structures protruding from his body. Hawks is injured, but Endeavour saves Jiro and Tokoyami.
In a flashback scene, Endeavour’s younger self berates him about his insecurities regarding not being better than All Might.
“You only ever fought against your own weakness. That’s why you can’t think about being reborn as someone else. Keep cursing your own weaknesses. That’s the only thing that was keeping you alive!” says the younger self as Endeavour unleashes a rage never seen before.
“That’s right. I’m persistent. That’s why, for the rest of my life, there will never be a day where I console myself saying, ‘You did a good job.’ Ending this fight is my duty,” Endeavour replies to his youthful self as he launches attacks on All for One, which even All for One acknowledges as deadly. Endeavour’s rage reminds All for One of All Might. “Wounded heroes are the scariest,” All for One adds.
As Endeavour realizes he needs to let go of the past and live for the future, for his son Shoto, he flies with All for One in his grasp and unleashes the hottest form of Prominence Burn he could muster.
While it completely burns All for One, to his shock, All for One starts healing back to a new body.
Meanwhile, at Coffin in the Sky, all the heroes have spent everything fighting Shigaraki’s destructive growth. Here, Bakugo, recalling his powerlessness when All Might saved him and his friendship with his classmates, launches an all-new and his most powerful attack, Howitzer Impact Cluster, at Shigaraki.
However, his passion dissipates when Shigaraki stops the attack as easily as if Bakugo were a fly. Shigaraki then says that the only thing he’s interested in about Bakugo is that he’s Midoriya’s friend and Midoriya will soon come to him.
The Episode Review
In this episode, we follow two characters, Endeavour and Bakugo, in detail, but despite their best efforts, the villain in front of them proves to be more powerful. Through Endeavour, we understand that though he’s been blaming himself for how Toya turned out, he finally decides to focus and fight for the future, for Shoto.
He also assumes responsibility for his actions and claims to live with the weight of his past mistakes. Likewise, a younger version but clearly in Endeavour’s likeness is Bakugo, who has also aimed to fight for the people he wants to protect and, despite his best efforts, fails to attack Shigaraki.
We also got a glimpse of how Eri is going to play a huge role later in the series, as All for One has possibly used her regeneration quirk in what seems to be a trailer for what’s to come.
Since we cannot relay any spoilers, we are yet to find out how All for One used Eri’s regeneration. And that is all for our ‘My Hero Academia’ season 7 episode 10 recap and review. We will meet you in the next one!
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