My Happy Marriage – Season 2 Episode 4 Recap & Review

What The Autumn Breeze Brought

Episode 4 of My Happy Marriage Season 2 begins with Naoshi greeting Kiyoka, Miyo, and Arata at the subway station. Kiyoka and Arata protect Miyo from Naoshi. Naoshi appears behind Miyo. He tells her he’ll come for her again in the future. Kiyoka attacks Naoshi and Naoshi vanishes. 

Then, Kiyoka attends an Anti-Grotesquerie meeting. Squad Leader Mukadeyama tells Kiyoka and the others about what happened to Yoshito’s group after they raided the Gifted Communion’s base. Mukadeyama says they’ll be out of commission for a while.

He introduces everyone to Jinnouchi, a soldier from the Anti-Grotesquerie’s second unit. Mukadeyama says Jinnouchi will be taking Yoshito’s place until he recovers. After that, Kiyoka asks Mukadeyama if his group obtained information about the person he fought. 

Mukadeyama hands him a report that contains information on the person in question. Kiyoka learns that the person he fought is from the Hojo family. Miyo and Arata arrive at the meeting. Arata gives the Anti-Grotesqueries information about Naoshi’s supernatural powers. 

He tells the Anti-Grotesqueries that Naoshi can manipulate information people receive from their five senses. However, Arata argues there are limits to how often Naoshi can use this ability. Arata claims Naoshi’s range with his powers has limits too. 

Kiyoka chimes in. He tells the others about the Gifted Communion’s plan. Kiyoka argues that Naoshi wants to use Miyo’s Dream-Sight ability to fulfill his group’s mission. Kiyoka confirms Miyo will visit the Anti-Grotesquerie base every day to avoid capture.

Kiyoka tells Jinnouchi that she will be Miyo’s bodyguard. Later, Jinnouchi gives Miyo a tour of the base. Jinnouchi tells Miyo her age and marriage status to Miyo. She also reveals that she’s an ability user. Jinnouchi hopes she and Miyo can become friends due to their similarities.  

Miyo accepts. Jinnouchi and Miyo arrive at the dining hall. The former reveals she’s the only female Anti-Grotesquerie member. Jinnouchi claims women can’t join the military around here. However, Jinnouchi argues her special ability enticed the Anti-Grotesquerie personnel to accept her. 

Jinnouchi and Miyo visit a dojo. There, Jinnouchi tells Miyo that her family runs a dojo and shares how much she enjoys this place. Then, Mukadeyama greets Juunouchi and Miyo. Mukadeyama asks Jinnouchi to spar with a rookie named Tanaka. He promises to look after Miyo while she’s doing that. Jinnouchi complies. 

Mukadeyama and Miyo discuss males’ views about military women and potentially Miyo herself. Miyo reflects on Mukadeyama’s words. Tanaka and Jinnouchi finish their duel. Some rookies belittle Jinnouchi for not making Tanaka look good in the duel. Mukadeyama tells the rookies to get back to training.

Miyo notices Jinnouchi’s unfazed by the rookies’ comments. She hopes she can be just as strong as Jinnouchi one day. Later, Yoshirou visits Arata in his office. Arata tells Yoshirou that he gave the Anti-Grotesquerie’s intel about Naoshi. 

Yoshirou gives Arata information about his experiences with Naoshi through flashbacks. He confirms that Naoshi was a violent child, but had the strongest supernatural ability in his family. Yoshirou says Naoshi didn’t open up to anyone besides Sumi. 

Then, we cut away to Miyo and Kiyoka in the present. Miyo informs Kiyoka about how her day with Jinnouchi went. She also opens up about her meal prep to Kiyoka. Kiyoka tells Miyo he’d like her to continue preparing meals for him. Then, we enter a flashback featuring Kiyoka and Tadakiyo. 

Kiyoka wants Tadakiyo to look after Miyo if something bad happens to him. Later, in the present, Miyo dreams about Sumi and Naoshi. Then, Miyo awakens and partakes in her usual morning activities. Miyo visits the Anti-Grotesquerie base and reflects on her powers. She wants to be of use to Kiyoka. 

Miyo visits a messy area of the Anti-Grotesquerie’s base. She wants to clean the place up. Jinnouchi greets Miyo and offers to help Miyo clean the area. Meanwhile, Kazushi visits Yoshito while the latter is lying in bed. He updates Yoshito about Miyo’s activities and tells him she got a bodyguard. 

The episode ends with a shot of Jinnouchi looking at Miyo. 

The Episode Review

This episode of My Happy Marriage season 2 gives fans a lot of chatter amongst different parties. We also get introduced to Miyo’s new bodyguard, Jinnouchi. Although some fans argue Miyo should have grown a backbone since the season began, it’s great that she has a female companion who could push her in that direction. 

At the same time, this episode gives audiences exceptional information on Jinnouchi’s character. From Jinnouchi’s personal life to her strength, this chapter gave her great depth despite serving as the character’s introduction. I’m excited to see how Jinnouchi and Miyo’s relationship grows moving forward. 

That aside, this episode gives Naoshi minor depth. We receive his past in a flashback and a minor appearance from Miyo’s mother, Sumi. Hopefully, we’ll learn more about Naoshi’s character over time since he’s being built up as the season’s potential big bad. 

But all in all, this was an interesting episode of My Happy Marriage

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