My Happy Marriage – Season 2 Episode 2 Recap & Review

A New Ordeal

Episode 2 of My Happy Marriage Season 2 begins with Nae, a Kudo family maid, leading Miyo to Fuyu’s room. Inside, Fuyu tells Miyo she wants her to work as a servant. Fuyu doesn’t want to accept Miyo as Kiyoka’s fiancée. She tells Nae to put Miyo to work. 

Miyo promises to do her best. While Kiyoka gathers information regarding a run-down mansion, Miyo performs cleaning duties. Fuyu checks on Miyo and is shocked to see she’s still around. She insults Miyo and hopes this will convince her to leave. However, Miyo says she won’t give up.  

Tadakiyo arrives and prevents Fuyu from harming Miyo. He and Fuyu depart to Fuyu’s room. After that, the maids and Nae compliment Miyo for her cleaning abilities. Concurrently, Kiyoka enters the run-down mansion and finds a table. 

There’s a cloth wrapped around the table with a strange symbol. Kiyoka discovers it’s The Nameless Order’s symbol. We enter a flashback. In it, Masashi shares more details about the symbol. He says the symbol’s details serve as an act of treason against the emperor. 

Kiyoka confirms The Nameless Order is a new, problematic religious group. In the present, Kiyoka notices a cloaked man nearby. The man fights Kiyoka and Kiyoka defeats him. The man tells Kiyoka that the founder blessed him with powers. The man also says something about The Gifted Communion.

The man commits suicide and Kiyoka departs. Kiyoka wonders if The Gifted Communion is The Nameless Order group’s true name. Kiyoka returns home to check on Miyo and his family. He and Miyo sit and chat near a fireplace. Miyo discusses her experiences with Fuyu today. 

Miyo wants Kiyoka to watch over her for a while. Then, Miyo confronts Fuyu in the morning. Miyo wants Fuyu to speak with Kiyoka so they can talk things out. Fuyu refuses and asks Miyo to leave her room. Miyo meets with Nae and Tadakiyo. 

Nae and Tadakiyo tell Miyo that Fuyu acts strictly for the sake of the Kudo family. Tadakiyo argues Fuyu’s policies caused Kiyotaka to dislike women. Then, Tadakiyo tells Miyo he’s to blame for Fuyu’s strict behavior. He argues Fuyu wants to meet everyone’s expectations of the Kudo family. 

At the same time, Tadakiyo argues that Kiyoka needs Miyo and that Fuyo feels the same way. Then, a random family arrives at the Kudo family’s home. They discuss their experience with a demon who murdered several people while they were chasing an outsider away. 

A family member named Kota collapses. Kiyoka says he’ll investigate the village while Tadakiyo promises to strengthen the village’s barrier. Miyo is told to stay in the Kudo family’s home. Miyo, Nae, and others observe Kota. Fuyu enters the room and tells Miyo to leave. 

Miyo tells Fuyu she’s a Usuba family member and argues she could heal Kota with her powers. Miyo uses her powers on Kota. Before Miyo can do something pivotal, Arata arrives and stops her. The episode ends with a close-up shot of Arata’s face. 

The Episode Review

This episode explores Miyo’s efforts to win Fuyu over. While some fans will be mixed about Miyo’s methods, others will find her strategies satisfying. At the same time, this episode gives fans intel on Fuyu and Kiyoka’s characters. 

Many people who originated from a strict household will resonate with Kiyoka’s behavior and views in season 1. Fortunately, Miyo changed Kiyoka’s worldview, making him the likable fellow many view him as today.

At the same time, some fans can understand Fuyu’s stresses. Fulfilling expectations is a difficult hurdle. It can change people for the worse. Hopefully, Miyo can influence Fuyu with her kindness and return her to her kind-hearted self.

Lastly, the episode gives fans more topics to discuss and speculate about regarding The Nameless Order and this alleged demon. Audiences have much to look forward to in the coming weeks and I’m excited to see it all unfold. 

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2 thoughts on “My Happy Marriage – Season 2 Episode 2 Recap & Review”

  1. I’m glad to see the show is back but I really thought we were pass the Miyo that let people use her as a doormat. She spent season 1 finding her voice and to see her put up with someone like this again is disheartening. She’s wiser now but to win someone over you don’t have to let them wipe the floor with you. Hope they can find a way for Fuyu to come to her senses without Miyo getting xuaght in the crossfire.

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