Mr. & Mrs. Smith – Season 1 Episode 5 “Do You Want Kids?” Recap & Review

Do You Want Kids?

Mr. & Mrs. Smith Episode 5 starts with a man named Toby who’s lounging around his house when John and Jane ambush him, putting a bag around his face. Their mission, conveyed by Hihi, was to travel to Lake Como and secure Toby Hellinger. Now, they’re to transport him to a safe house.

On the way, John and Jane hold hands and talk about buying a new place. Toby pretends to have a heart attack in order to convince them to remove the hood. They reach the safe house but it’s compromised and people dressed in black start shooting at them. They drive away but a car follows them. They try to lose them but get cornered by two cars and are forced to get out and move on foot, all while still being shot at.

The chase continues through the Italian alleyways with some difficulty because Toby has knee issues and breathing problems. They get to the lake’s edge and hitch a ride with a small family. Jane says she’s pregnant in order to do so.

John leads them to a house which turns out to be a place that he bought for them. Jane is incensed that he bought a house without talking to her, even though he meant it as a romantic gesture. Although, in the end, she insists she isn’t mad. While updating Hihi on their situation, Hihi asks to speak with just Jane. Hihi asks Jane if she’s happy with everything and she says she is, John’s a great partner. Hihi seems pleased and says she’s advancing.

Jane and Toby chat with Toby saying John doesn’t seem to like him too much. When he gets a stomach ache, Jane gives him medicine but he doesn’t want to take it. John promises him cigarettes if he takes the medicine. During dinner, Toby tells a joke about meeting someone who looks like Hitler in Argentina. It makes Jane laugh but John remains cold.

Later, Toby gets into an argument with John when he realises that there were never any cigarettes. He then starts crying and leaves for his room. Hihi then messages Jane with instructions to meet a plane in the middle of the lake. When she asks how they will know when the Smiths leave, Hihi says they will know. Hihi then asks about the mission and John and Jane admit they don’t always work the same way.

John comes back from seeing Toby off to bed and reveals that he had a cigarette all along. They then talk about weddings and how vows would feel more real if they were in person. John asks what their vows should be and they exchange a few, with Toby saying he vows to never kill her. They start kissing and Toby mentions a baby, which startles Jane. At that moment, Toby arrives saying that he threw up and John goes off to deal with him.

In the morning, their adversaries find the house and the team of three sneaks out before they can get ambushed. They get to a boat by the lakeside and an explosion rigged inside the house gives them more time to get away. On the boat, John asks Jane how she did it. She says she put a dynamite stick on the stove. As Hihi promised, a plane shows up on the lake and picks them up.

Back home, Jane says she isn’t feeling well. John asks her if she’s pregnant and she says she isn’t. He misread the signs. John thinks it could be a good idea but Jane doesn’t. She doesn’t think this life is meant for having kids. John says he could do low-risk work while raising kids but Jane wants to keep going up and do higher-risk work. Just then a package arrives at the door, it’s a bottle of wine from Hihi with a note that says, ‘Well done, Jane.’

John is annoyed and blames Jane for taking the credit all the time. John goes for a shower and Jane asks Hihi if she’s expected to have a child. Hihi leaves the decision to her but then tells her that she’s ready to move to a higher level. Hihi then asks if she wants to replace her John at the end of Mr. & Mrs. Smith Episode 5.

The Episode Review

Mr. & Mrs. Smith Episode 5 seems to want to highlight that John and Jane are having relationship issues. This will probably tie into the fact that the next episode is titled Couples Therapy. But we haven’t spent enough time seeing their problems to be convinced it poses a real threat. For the most part of this episode, John and Jane get along fine and work in tandem. It’s only at the end of the episode that their differing ambitions come to light.

This is the same issue that plagues most of the show. We jump through milestones of John and Jane’s relationship, only ever getting bite-sized insights into its nature. As a result, the changes in their relationship seem abrupt and a little jarring. It would be okay if the missions themselves were more interesting, but they really just serve as a backdrop for the Smiths’ relationship. Which makes such writing flaws hard to ignore.

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