Mr Crockett Plot Summary
Mr. Crocket follows the tale of a supernatural children’s TV host named Mr. Crocket, who, through VHS tapes of his TV show, lures children of abusive and negligent parents into his demonic world while punishing the parents for their misdeeds. Set in the early ’90s, when her son is stolen by Crocket, Summer decides to take matters into her own hands to find Major and bring him back against all odds.
Why does Crocket take Major?
After struggling to raise her son amidst her husband’s death, Summer finally breaks and yells that she no longer wants to be Major’s mother. This hurts Major, who is grappling with the reality of his father’s death by acting out and being difficult. Since Mr. Crocket appears only when children feel hurt by their parents, Crocket takes Major to his world.
How does Summer enter Crocket’s world?
Summer looks for Major by searching through libraries to learn more about Mr. Crocket. One day, she meets a man named Eddie, who claims to be a parent of a stolen child. Together, they search for Rhonda, a mother of a stolen child who had warned Summer about what’s to come.
They find her living in a makeshift house filled with TV screens and electronic devices. She explains that she has been trying to tap into Mr. Crocket’s signal to find his next victim. By doing so, they find the house where Mr. Crocket had snatched another child after killing her parent. While Rhonda is attacked by Crocket, Eddie and Summer sneak through the door to Crocket’s world. There, they arrive at an eerie circus where Crocket has all the children.
How did Mr. Crocket create his world?
Mr. Crocket had grown up in an abusive household. He later killed his father and staged the murder so the police couldn’t suspect him. Eventually, he became a children’s show host, where he met a boy named Anthony. Knowing that Anthony was sad, he kidnapped him and took him home until the police came and killed him.
Later, Crocket signed a contract with the devil to send the parents’ souls to hell in exchange for his eerie circus world, where he could live with his stolen children.
What happens to the first boy Crocket kidnapped?
While in Mr. Crocket’s world, Eddie is revealed to be Andrew, the first boy Crocket had kidnapped. He reveals how Crocket was the only adult who ever loved him, which is why Andrew lied to Summer about being an ally so he could return to Crocket. However, since he is now an adult, Crocket shuns him, and Andrew is brutally killed by one of Crocket’s minions.
Does Summer get Major back?
Crocket gives Summer a chance to get Major back, who, along with the other kids, is under a spell. No matter how much Summer tries, Major decides to stay with Crocket. Crocket then encourages Major to kill his mother with a knife, just as Crocket had done to his father, but Major backs out at the last moment.
He gives Crocket’s magic marker to his mother, who uses it to slash Crocket and create a doorway back to their home, freeing all the children.
What happens to Major at the end?
After returning home, it is revealed that Rhonda survived Crocket’s attack, and Summer helps her get her son back. From that day on, Summer spends a lot of time with Major, playing and making memories.
Everything seems to go well until one of Major’s teachers visits Summer about his behaviour, which stems from the negative influence of a father figure. It is revealed that Major now considers Crocket his father, especially since Major had felt his father’s absence after his death. With Crocket’s influence still on Major, it is implied that Crocket might be leading Major down his path, and Summer may not be safe after all.