Momodora: Moonlit Farewell Guide: “Fount of Rebirth” Walkthrough & Final Bosses

Momodora: Moonlit Farewell Guide: Fount of Rebirth

Area List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Fount of Rebirth

Selin Boss Fights (Boss Fight)

Moon God Selin (Boss Fight)

Fount of Rebirth

Fount of Rebirth is a unique area in that we’ll be platforming a lot but these blend into the background in a really unique way. To begin with, keep an eye on the uique platforms with white edges and jump from the right up to the middle and beyond. We’ve highlighted the first part so you can see roughly what this looks like:

Once you make it up, immediately head to the left all the way, past the Heavenly Bell (which requires Lunar Crystals to activate and we highly recommend doing this) and eventually you’ll come to a room holding [Dusty Grimoire]

Backtrack to the Bell and this time take a right and up. Now, you want to go to the right first and along the zig-zagged chamber until you reach a strange barrier blocking your progress forward (pictured below).

These symbols show the Sigils you need to equip in order to progress. From the menu, make sure you equip Chrysanth, Fallen Hero & Magic Blade. This will let you pass and grab Companion [Nun].

Return up and head left from here and make sure you keep moving all the way to the edge of the room to uncover a hidden Lumen Fairy (pictured below).

In the room above, destroy the enemies that show up and then work in a zig-zag fashion across until you head outside and back in again.

When you return to the interior, be sure to head up to the top of the room via the platforms, where you’ll find a solitary Heavenly Lily.

Now, drop back down all the way to the bottom of the room and head to the right again, which will lead you outside and to a Heavenly Lily. Pray there and then return back inside and go through the exit just north of this (pictured below).

Just to the right of this first area, hop over the platforms and grab the Lumen Fairy on the opposite side.

Then, drop down from here to the lower area and take a left when you head inside. You’ll have your magic drained but you will gain 1x Sigil, ‘Ascended Slash’.

Head back up again (to the area where you found the Heavenly Lily just under the main route (pictured below)) and Wall Jump to the higher areas.

Now, the route up is linear and be sure to munch on the Berry when you get a chance to, which is just to the left. Now, keep moving all the way to the left, past all the obstacles, and you’ll come to another Heavenly Bell. Just past this happens to be a Boss Fight, so be sure to stop up on whatever you need.

Selin Boss Fights

Boss Fight – Selin’s Envy

Selin’s Envy is a big foe and it has some specific moves you need to be aware of. The first will see the entire arena pulsate in red minus a small circle on the ground. Make sure you stay within that circle to avoid substantial damage coming your way. Be sure to keep attacking, watching out for the repetitive move and hanging in these circular areas.

Selin’s Envy will use this move a fair amount, but at 50% health left, it’ll use it with more regularity and teleport a fair amount too. Beyond this though, there’s actually not too much variation with the boss so it should be quite a straightforward fight.


With Envy defeated, the Moon Gate has now been weakened. Return all the way back to the middle chamber and this time take a right. Be careful as there are a fair few enemies along the way wairting below thin platforms that circle about.

Just past this is another Heavenly Bell. Rest up here and be sure to use the Berry as well.

Boss Fight – Selin’s Sorrow


Selin’s Sorrow is a little trickier compared to Envy, and you’ll find a yellow lightning bolt following you around the arena. You’ll need to dodge through this and attack Selin’s weak point, which you’ll notice small orbs floating around her. Either hit them or just jump through them and when they’re all gone from each wave, it’ll whittle down a good chunk of Selin’s HP.

Normal attacks don’t work here and you need to keep on the move to avoid the lightning bolts, and the other strike that hits all the ground, forcing you to Wall Jump.

However, it’s quite an easy boss fight.

With both bosses defeated, return to the middle chamber once more and this time ascend up to the next section. Activate the Heavenly Bell and you’ll get a choice to be teleported back down to the earlier parts of the level.

Your map should now look something like this:

Head up, rather than teleporting and speak to Dora. There’s another two ways to go, so let’s move to the left first. On the route, progress up and grab the Heavenly Lily before going as far left as possible. There’s another Heavenly Bell here and, naturally, another Boss Fight.

Boss Fight – Selin’s Fear


By now you should be familiar with how these fights play out, but Selin’s Fear will require you to dodge his attacks, including a spiralled cloud of yellow mist, and a tracking bomb that will pulsate around following you before exploding.

Just keep avoiding all these attacks and Selin’s Fear will bleed out. You don’t need to attack at all, just keep moving around the arena and you’ll come out of this on top.


With the Moon gate weakened even further, head all the way to the right now, past Dora. Just like before, take a detour up and to the right in order to grab 1x Heavenly Lily.

Drop down and keep moving to the right, hitting the Heavenly Bell as you do. Once more, we’ve got another Boss fight.


Boss Fight – Selin’s Mendacity

It’s back to a good ol’ fashioned slash ’em up and this time we need to pummel away at Selin while also watching out for his red-mist wave attack. This will see beams of light shoot out and then turn into a red mist wave that will pulse down the screen and hit you for damage.

It’ll use this repeatedly, so be sure to dodge through these attacks and then strike back with your own blows. In all honestly, the fight is actualy rather repetitive but be sure to keep healing if you get too low on HP.


Once all four of these bosses are down, you’ll notice the way forward is now open. Ascend up and grab the Berry that will increase your Maximum Magic affinity. Keep moving up and limb the wall on the left in the huge chamber. Eventually you’ll reach the final Bell and, as you’ll see, the final bosses of the game.

Now is a good time to polish up any collectibles you’re missing. As far as Fount of Rebirth goes, you’ll notice there’s one area we haven’t actually explored on the map yet, and we’ve marked with an X for you:

Drop down this gap when you arrive and grab 1x Sigil ‘Demilune Whisper’.

With all of this gained, it’s worth dropping back into the Fairy Village quickly because we will have grabbed all the Lumen Fairies. In doing so, you’ll gain 1x Sigil ‘Oracle’ for your efforts. It’s now time to tackle the final boss!

Boss Fight – Moon God Selin

Phase 1

Here we go then! Moon God Selin will have a fair few moves and be surrounded by stars that hover around in circles. You’ll need to dodge these and watch out for this shockwave attack too.

The other phase of this first fight will see him use translucent swords to drop on your location. Just move either side and dodge these to avoid being struck down.

The first phase isn’t too difficult and you should get it done without too much hassle.

Phase 2

When you whittle down Selin’s health, quickly rush over to the left and hide within the protective forcefield Lineth will produce to avoid being killed. This will weaken Lineth considerably though, who will blink out of view.

With her gone, it’ll be time for the second phase of this boss fight.

The next part of this boss fight will see you having to move around considerably to avoid the ref shockwave blasts that will track to your location. Jump past these and keep striking Selin.

Be wary of the purple blasts that will rock the ground too. Jump over these and similarly, the blinding bolts of light that protrude up from the ground.

Keep striking and Selin’s health will eventually go down and be depleted.

Phase 3

This is the toughest part of the entire boss fight so be careful here. You want to keep dodging Selin’s attacks and make sure you keep a distance when the red orb explodes and protrudes out red mist, that will deal a lot of samage to you.

Similarly, you want to keep whittling away at Selin’s health and make sure when the three swords appear above your head that you back off and dodge away. Both of these attacks are devastating enough, but then, with 50% health left, Selin will then start to release a huge red-mist shockwave, forcing you to attack with ranged weapons.

Phase 4

The final part of Selin’s boss fight will see his health return to full again. This time, he won’t really attack and you can just keep whittling away and damaging him. Eventually he’ll be defeated and trigger the final cutscene.


With the boss defeated, you’ll be whisked back to Koho Village again. If you head to the left from here and talk to Dora, she’ll hand over [Sangrial] to you.

Keep going to the left and you’ll find the Moon Goddess, who will hand over Companion [Lineth]. Just left of here, with the Hole in the alcove we needed to return to “later on”, we can now travel down.

Welcome to the Developer’s Room! This holds a lot of neat NPCs that will thank you for playing the game, and it’s a lovely way to give back to the community too.

After speaking to all the key characters around the different areas, including the Fairy Queen and Yuhia, go right in Koho Village where you’ll find Dora by the fishing lake.

After speaking to her, you’ll meet Olveria and can choose whether to go with her or not… and mark the end of the game! Thanks so much for following along with us on this guide and do let us know your favourite part of playing Momodora in the comments below.

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