MF Ghost Episode 2
MF Ghost is an anime based on a world devoid of high-powered sports cars due to the onset of self-driving electric cars. The series follows the MFG races which have gained popularity for featuring these sports cars while garnering worldwide popularity from within Japan.
The anime in particular focuses on Kanata Rivington, a 19-year-old Japanese British who has originally come to Japan in search of his father. Katana aspires to participate in the MFG races with his Toyota 86 and also manages to make a few acquaintances who help him out in the process.
If you’ve been following the anime over the past few weeks, you might be eager to know when the next episode will be released.
Here’s all you need to know about Season 1, Episode 2 of “MF Ghost”, including its release date, time, and where you can watch it.
Where Can I Watch MF Ghost?
Episode 2 of MF Ghost will be available to watch on Crunchyroll, Medialink, and Amazon Prime.
MF Ghost Episode 2 Release Date
MF Ghost Episode 2 will be released on Monday 9th October at 00:00 (JST)/ Sunday 8th October 15:00 (GMT) with the episode expected to clock 23 minutes long which is consistent with the timeframe for the rest of the series.
How Many Episodes Will MF Ghost Have?
MF Ghost has been commissioned to have 13 episodes in total. After the release of 1 episode, expect there to be 12 more episodes.
Is There a Trailer For MF Ghost Season 1?
There is indeed! There is an epic trailer, which you can find below.
What Happens in Episode 1 of MF Ghost?
Episode 1 begins with the introduction of the MFG races held in Japan following the introduction to the protagonist of the show, Katana Katagiri. Inspired by the competition he registers himself in the MFG and prepares to compete.
Arriving in Japan from England, he lives as a guest at Ren Saionji’s house as a guest and she ends up developing a crush on him. He also gets familiar with Mr. Ogata, a car mechanic and gets hooked up with a Toyota 86 to participate in the MFG. While registering for the competition he also meets Shun Aiba who becomes friendly and takes him under his wing.
The episode ends with the beginning of Katana’s qualification round for the MFG.
We’ve covered the whole episode with a lengthy recap that touches on all major plot points and discusses the chapter with an accompanying review. You can find that link below:
Read More: MF Ghost Episode 1 Recap & Review
What do you hope to see as the anime progresses? What’s been your favorite moment of MF Ghost so far? Let us know in the comments below!