Metallic Rouge
Metallic Rouge is an anime original series from the Japanese animation studio, Bones. In it, we follow two agents named Naomi and Rouge who must stop nine powerful beings who pose a threat to their organization.
If you’ve been following this anime, you may be curious to know when the first episode will be released. Well, wonder no more!
Here is everything you need to know about episode 2 of Metallic Rouge Season 1, including the release date, time, and where to watch this.
Where Can I Watch Metallic Rogue Season 1?
Metallic Rogue Season 1 is airing in Japan on Fuji TV+ Ultra programming block. It is available to stream on Crunchyroll outside of Asian territories.
Metallic Rouge Season 1 Episode 2 Release Date
Metallic Rouge Season 1 Episode 2 will be released on Wednesday 17th January at approximately 11am (GMT) / 3am (PT) / 8am (CT). Of course, it’s dependent on how quickly the platform uploads new episodes. Expect this to be pretty close to the release time though.
Although Metallic Rouge Season 1 Episode 1 was released with an English Dub, we do not know if the second episode will follow suit with the same procedure. Therefore, expect to watch episode 2 in the native Japanese language with subtitles. However, if this trend continues, and the next episode releases with an English Dub option, expect episodes 3-13 to follow his format too.
How Many Episodes Will Metallic Rouge Season 1 Have?
It has not been officially announced how many episodes Metallic Rouge will drop with, but if we’re to wager a guess, it’s likely to be around a 13-episode season order, with one episode releasing a week. So with that in mind, we’ve got 12 more episodes left after this week’s chapter.
Is There A Trailer For Metallic Rouge Season 1?
Yes! You can find a trailer for Metallic Rouge Season 1 below.
What Happened In Episode 1?
In Metallic Rouge Season 1 Episode 1, one of our female protagonists, Naomi, sends her bird somewhere. Then, we get a brief overview of Mars and the organisms that inhabit it. After, we delve into a brief confrontation between a formidable Alters member named Fate Jaron and a group of men over this world’s android serum, Nectar. Simultaneously, we’re introduced to our female lead, Rouge. Rouge is a recruit at Mar’s Club Canal establishment.
She received this opportunity from a superstar named Sara. Later, Rouge bids Sara farewell and observes an exchange between two android Club Canal workers. Then, she heads off somewhere to discuss private matters with Naomi through Naomi’s robotic bird. We receive information about Nectar and its properties. Sara gets attacked by a red Gladiator, and subsequently, Rouge and Naomi attend a restaurant.
Naomi properly introduces herself to Rogue and claims Sara’s Purgatory Viola, Rouge’s latest target. After Viola and Jaron discuss the red Gladiator incident, Viola bumps into Rouge. Rouge and Viola head somewhere. Before they tussle, a new Gladiator arrives and assaults Rouge. The Gladiator turns out to be Jaron and he gets into a brief fight with Rouge. Jaron departs. Rouge and Viola fight for a bit. She defeats Viola with Naomi’s help and walks away from the battle with a mysterious orb.
We cut to Rouge and Naomi discussing Rouge’s next target’s whereabouts. The episode closes with the two heading to that individual’s location.
We’ve covered the entire episode with a lengthy recap that touches on all major plot points and discusses the chapter with an accompanying review. You can find that link below.
Read more: Metallic Rouge – Season 1 Episode 1 Recap & Review
What are your thoughts on Metallic Rouge Season 1 so far? Are you familiar with Studio Bones’s other anime projects they’ve worked on? Let us know in the comments below!