Head in the Sand
Episode 9 of ‘Me’ Season 1 begins with a nighttime scene of Darren driving his car in the rain. Suddenly, Ben runs towards him asking for help and saying “Yates is here.”
In the present, Ben is reflecting on a past conversation with Max when she told him to figure out who he wanted to be. But in a voiceover, he tells us he doesn’t know who he wants to be – he’s only 12, after all!
Meanwhile, Darren is at the police station looking at the security cam footage from the mall. A colleague has discovered the identity of the denim-clad teen – his name is Aleister Morris. He discovers his address and says “this can’t be right.” We don’t know why he is showing surprise at this point.
At school, Jason empties food over Ben in the dining hall. Max sits nearby, looking sad. We cut to a scene later in the day at Ben’s home where Max has now returned. Over dinner, she feels uncomfortable about the conversation about the upcoming school dance and leaves the table. Ben also leaves when he accuses Bill of invading his privacy (referring to Bill looking at his photos).
Ben heads to his bedroom and reads a letter from his father. His mom enters the room and tells him he needs to try harder with his stepfather.
The next morning, Ben is nicer to Bill but tells him he shouldn’t have been in his room. Bill explains his actions and says it’s his duty as a parent. Ben tells Bill he isn’t his parent, which upsets his mom.
We cut to a scene at a prison (or youth detention facility). Darren meets with Aleister (Al), the teen who chased Carter and Ben at the mall. However, Al has been incarcerated so it can’t have been him at the mall. Darren knows this and tells him it is somebody using his face. Darren thinks it is Yates and asks Al if the name means anything to him. Al says it does and confesses that he gave Yates his form as he wanted to help him. He tells Darren that he sacrificed himself for Yates and that one day Yates will reward him for it. He then tells Darren that Yates is coming “for all of you,” especially Carter.
Later, Darren meets with Morgan at the warehouse. He tells her Yates is probably staying at Al’s house. The next day, Carter catches up with Ben. She tells him she needs him to act as bait by transforming into her and tricking Yates. Ben isn’t happy about this idea and walks away.
At school, Morgan turns up at the library to speak to Max. She needs Max to speak to Ben because he won’t listen to anybody else.
That night, Ben is in his bedroom when he hears his mom speaking to somebody downstairs. He goes to investigate and discovers she is talking to Al, who has crashed his motorcycle and needs medical help. Of course, it’s not Al, it’s Yates, who accuses him of being ‘bait’ and then attacks him. Thankfully, this is all a dream, as Ben discovers when he wakes up. He then sits in bed and transforms his hand into somebody else’s (presumably Carter’s).
The next morning, Max talks to Ben and tells him to see Morgan. It turns out Ben was on the way to see her anyway.
At the warehouse, Morgan has information on Yates, thanks to Darren. She reports this to Ben, Max, Carter, Wyatt, and another girl who I don’t think we have met before. She goes over a plan of action which involves Ben pretending to be Carter. In her plan, Yates will go after who he thinks is Carter while the real Carter attacks him from behind using her mom’s powers to thwart him.
At the end of this meeting, Morgan asks Max to hang back after the others leave. Max thinks Morgan to about to tell her to skip out of the mission but the opposite is true. Morgan wants Max to help. How? We aren’t sure and neither is Ben, as Max doesn’t tell him, despite his questioning.
On a bike ride home, Ben tells Morgan who he wants to be. He tells her “I want to be me.” After he talks about wanting to make things right, we see a scene of him in school protecting Enzo from Jason and then standing up to the bully. Needless to say, Jason is surprised by Ben’s newfound confidence.
The Episode Review
It’s good to finally know who the denim-clad teen is and that we now have an opportunity to use his name from now on! That being said, Al is unlikely to appear in the next episode unless Yates breaks him out of prison.
We’re glad Ben and Max were able to reconcile in this episode. We suggested they were likely to a few recaps ago, as we knew she’d come around when called upon to help Ben. But as to what part she will play in Morgan’s mission, we don’t know at this point.
This episode was enjoyable enough, with a cathartic scene of Ben getting the better of Jason and a glimpse of the battle that is to come. We don’t think Morgan’s plan will work as expected though, as we’re sure something will get in the way of her well-thought-out scheme. The opening scene of Ben running towards Darren is indicative of this.
At least Ben has figured out who he wants to be – himself. This revelation isn’t unexpected – it’s something we should all abide by – but as to who Ben thinks he is…? Well, he’s figured it out, but we’re left in the dark. We know he’s stronger than he imagined himself to be but could there be other facets of his character that will come out in the next episode? We don’t have long to find out.
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