The Ostrich Bitch
Episode 7 of Marie Antoinette begins with the Queen informing the King that she is expecting a child. With undertones of flirtation, the Queen’s friend Chartres tells her that his heart is broken by her pregnancy. The Queen seems to take great pleasure in his comments and flirtatious remarks. The crowd is taken aback when the King and Queen announce this though, with Josephine and Provence terrified of the fact that if they have a boy they’ll be considered worthless.
The King and Queen have a private conversation, and the Queen is concerned about the consequences of not having a boy. The King assures her that they will have ample opportunities to have sons. Someone slips in a pamphlet titled The Ostrich Bitch, which includes a drawing implying that Chartres is the father of the Queen’s son. The Queen is upset by the spread of this new rumor, and she breaks down.
The King and Queen consult Count Maurepas about the situation. Following that, the count assures the King and Queen that he will deal with the matter by closing the gates and investigating everyone who happens to be inside. The King directs the count to search Versailles for any trace of evidence.
In his search, Count Maurepas interrogates Madame de Noy, Chartres, the King’s sisters, and the King’s sister-in-law; however, no one admits to being involved in the matter.
Chartres meets the Queen in secret. The Queen requests that he leave because they cannot be seen together. Meanwhile, the King suspects the Queen of adultery after Provence and the others cast doubt on her. When he questions the Queen about it, she is understandably upset.
The Queen appears to have made a new friend, pushing Lamballe away in the process. As a consequence, Lamballe is deeply hurt, and she visits a doctor who appears to be hypnotizing her. Furthermore, Lamballe advises Antoinette to meet Dr. Mesmer as well. Antoinette accuses him of fraud, but Lamballe counters that saying he is a charming man.
After Josephine upsets the Queen by questioning whether she is certain her baby is still alive, the King follows her and apologizes for his family’s behavior as well as for doubting her.
The King directs the guards to search Chartres and Provence’s room for evidence. Following that, Chartres is arrested after the evidence is planted on him. The Queen informs the King that Chartres is innocent, but the King dismisses her.
Provence confronts the King about having guards search his room and demands an apology. The King refuses to apologize and tells Provence that he knows that his wife was not pregnant and that they deceived everyone, leaving Provence speechless.
Provence and Josephine are arguing, and during their argument, she reveals that she is behind the rumors that are going around, as well as the paper doves. Provence is impressed and says they make a good team. When the queen’s friend notices Josephine laughing with Provence, she has her doubts.
When the Queen goes into labour, everyone rushes to the room where the baby will be delivered. The Queen’s friend uses the opportunity to search Josephine’s room and discovers evidence against her. Meanwhile, the Queen gives birth to a girl, and both she and the King are thrilled.
The guards inform Provence that the King has requested a meeting with him. Furthermore, Chartres has been released from prison. The King informs Provence that he is aware that he is the source of the rumors. Provence goes on to say that it was his wife’s fault, not his. The King issues a severe warning to Provence and attacks him. Following that, the King informs Provence that he will never be a part of the government. Meanwhile, Chartres goes to congratulate the Queen.
The Empress is unhappy because her daughter had a girl. She writes Antoinette a letter in which she expresses her disappointment with her.
On the way to their daughter’s baptism, the King assures the Queen that Provence and Josephine will never step out of line again. During the baptism ceremony, it is revealed that the King and Queen named their daughter Marie Therese Charlotte de France.
The Episode Review
These episodes do an excellent job showcasing Marie Antoinette’s sense of style, and this episode is no exception. Antoinette’s hairstyle becomes more sophisticated as the episodes progress, and it grows longer in an upward direction. We know from historical accounts that Marie Antoinette had a great sense of style and that her hairstyle seemed to be tall and elegant.
The episodes also good display character development as the story unfolds. Louis has matured significantly since the first episode. The shy, awkward boy has changed and is now depicted as a confident King. It’s fascinating to watch his character grow, but the same could be said for others too.
This has been a solid watch so far and everything is left wide open for the finale.
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