Manhunt – Season 1 Episode 4 Recap & Review

The Secret Line

Manhunt Episode 4 begins with Conover asking Stanton if he ordered an assassination of President Davis. He denies ordering Davis’ assassination and tells Conover that the Dahlgren order is “Confederate propaganda.”

Turns out, Stanton was behind it, after previously telling Lincoln that the Rules of Engagement don’t apply because Davis is not a legitimate head of state. 

At the wake for the president, Mary is comforted by Edwin Booth (John Wilkes Booth’s more famous brother). Like Edwin is concerned because Mary has Southern sympathisers in her family. Robert is also concerned for his mother and is looking into mental institutions. 

At Dr. Mudd’s place, the other Mary has had enough of him as he’s not a very nice man and drags mud across her clean floor. She quits in part due to the land grant she got.

Mary’s new start includes being a teacher as part of a community of newly freed Black people who are looking toward the future with optimism.

Edwin worries about his reputation due to his brother’s crimes, while John and Herold’s journey has reached a standstill and they pass the time bonding over John’s poetry recitation. Their peace ends with the arrival of the River Ghost, who brings them to the next part of their journey.

Stanton is going after Sanders, but he encounters problems, as Sanders is so rich, he is considered untouchable, according to a federal judge. However, Stanton insists, “No one is untouchable.” The judge advises him to stop the flow of money.

Stanton approves the uniform budget, as Conover tells Sanders he’s made a mistake and that Conover could have gotten him a better deal. He promises to continue doing deals with Conover moving forward, as Sanders asks for an in-person meeting with Stanton.

Stanton shows up at the meeting and is willing to give Sanders the contract if he gives up the location of Booth. Sanders comes across as guilty and insists capturing Booth would be pointless because Confederate sympathizers are everywhere. He pulls a gun on him and says he could kill Stanton and not even be branded a killer. He also insists he could kill someone on Wall Street in broad daylight and get away with it. However, Stanton pulls the trigger to signal Baker, who proceeds to arrest him. 

Eddie tries to figure out why the Lincoln family’s security detail has gone missing, and this appears to have something to do with uniforms. He meets his father there later as they interrupt Sanders’ men, who prepare to burn a shipment while also finding a map of shipments that appears to double as the “secret line,” which is the route used to carry supplies to Confederate sympathizers.

The episode ends with Booth and Herold finally making the move to Virginia. They overcome the wind and rain on their boat and row to Virginia. 

The Episode Review

This was a standout episode in this retelling of the aftermath of Lincoln’s assassination. Tobias Menzies was born to star in period dramas, and his performance is the best thing in the show.

There is some creative licence with the true story, but as long as it stays this wildly entertaining, the audience is likely to give it a pass. Anthony Boyle plays a conflicted villain very well, and his story is equally compelling. 

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You can look forward to a full season review when this show ends!

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