Humandy Statue
Episode 3 of Mandy Season 3 begins in a shop where Mandy is painted grey and dressed in a strange costume. It’s the outfit for her new job as a living statue!
We then cut to a scene outside where she stands for 8 hours (mercifully not in real-time) in one place. At the end of the day, she visits Lola at the salon, who thinks she has bought tickets to see Psychic Pauline.
Of course, Mandy hasn’t bought the tickets – that would be too simple. She has a plan to get into the event wearing a hi-vis jacket, something that has helped her gain access to places in the past. We then see a montage of Mandy in the jacket at various events, including the final of a snooker tournament where she puts legendary snooker player Alex Higgins off his game.
Mandy and Lola wear hi-vis jackets to get into Psychic Pauline’s show. Pauline is a fake, as we discover when we see her being fed information from somebody behind the scenes.
Mandy and Lola sit in the wrong seats, which puts them in the line of fire of the psychic, who thinks Mandy is somebody else. Consequently, the psychic is fed information about a car accident that doesn’t pertain to Mandy.
Pauline covers up her mistake by invoking the spirit of a woman who years before was killed in the theatre while watching an Oscar Wilde play. There isn’t a real ghost present, but Pauline still tries to get the ‘spirit’ to its final resting place. Her ruse works and the crowd applaud her.
Mandy calls out to Pauline and asks her to get in touch with Alex Higgins. She wants to apologize to his ghost so she can make amends for what she did at the tournament.
After repeating the name of Alex Higgins in shocked bewilderment, the psychic inadvertently summons him, as we see when he appears outside the theatre.
The next day, Pauline is on stage again and going through the Oscar Wilde story with the crowd. Meanwhile, Mandy is outside in her statue outfit where she is confronted by the spirit of Alex Higgins. He blames her for costing him the World Championship and chases her into the theatre where Pauline is performing.
When the grey-faced Mandy interrupts the performance, she is mistaken for the dead woman who apparently died during the Oscar Wilde play. Higgins throws his snooker cue at her but it misses and impales Pauline instead. “She didn’t see that coming,” says one witty woman in the crowd.
The Episode Review
An episode with Mandy dressed as a living statue has comic potential but the plot veers off into another direction involving the psychic. The ensuing events aren’t unamusing but they could certainly have been funnier.
This episode still raises a few chuckles though, most notably when Mandy wears the hi-vis jacket in flashbacks at various points in TV history. Her scenes with the ghost of Alex Higgins are quite funny too but one knowing scene involving him grabbing a drink at a bar might prove offensive to some, considering his alcoholism.
So, this isn’t the best episode of Mandy in the series run so far. But Diane Morgan still manages to make the most of the thin material with her expressive face and her character’s trademark funny walk.
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