Love You to Debt (2024) Plot Summary
Love You to Debt (2024) is a Thai movie helmed by Waa Waasuthep Ketpetch of The Gifted fame and stars Bright Vachirawit and Yaya Urassaya in the lead roles. It also happens to be the latest remake of the iconic Korean film Man In Love which is a romantic tragedy between a loan shark and his debtor.
Love You to Debt follows debt collector Bo who acts like a thug but secretly has a heart of gold as he does all he can for his loved ones, his friends and desperate debtors. But his world is turned upside down when one of his debtors, Uncle Aod falls ill and his daughter, Im arrives to take care of him.
With a no-nonsense attitude, Im has no patience for Bo as she doesn’t have the money to pay off her father’s growing debt. However, this attracts Bo who comes up with a dating contract to help cover Im’s debt.
Why does Bo want to date Im?
While Bo does help some of the debtors like Uncle Aod and Richy, he doesn’t have the freedom to cover for them. When Im sets her foot down that she cannot afford to pay the daily interest, Bo’s creditor, Mama Wan forces him to do what he usually does to get the money out of debtors.
However, Im is not scared of Bo’s tactics and even calls his bluff when he says he will kill or sell her kidney. He is in awe of her fiery attitude and instantly falls for her. He comes up with a dating contract and for all the different kinds of dates, he will cover her daily interest for a set number of days. Such as if they kiss, he will cover 5 days’ worth of debt.
When does Im start liking Bo back?
Initially, she goes on the dates out of no choice. But she is touched when she sees how Bo goes out of his way to make more money so he can take her out on the dates as well as cover her daily debt. She is also amused as he never forces himself on her but creates loopholes in his own contract so that he can cover more of her debt.
She starts enjoying the dates as they go to an Elephant park and even sneak into the Hilton hotel. She is angry with him when he gets into a gang fight. But she lets him comfort her when her dad dies and they sleep together.
Why does Im go into debt again?
After Uncle Aod dies, Im and Bo realise that he has been paying for the Cremation Association. The amount is reimbursed and used to settle all of the debt. Im then applies for a bank loan of 200k in hopes of opening a shop and buying a flat. However, it is not enough and Im decides to let the loan be. But in trying to help her, Bo makes a deal with Mama Wan. A casino owner has been scamming people and owes Mama 400k. If Bo can get the money from him, he will get half of it.
To get entry into the casino, Bo takes out all of Im’s loan money. He cheats by replacing the dice but the money he wins is not enough. There is a fight and he is imprisoned for knifing the scammer. He requests Mama Wan to pay Im back her 200k and she agrees but never actually gives it back. To pay off her debt, Im becomes a live stream seller with the help of Max, a former co-worker who scams the customers.
Why does Im not take the money from Bo?
Once he is out of prison, Bo threatens Mama Wan till she gives back the 200k she owes Im. However, when he calls Im, she tells him to keep it and then tries to kill herself before changing her mind. She is taken to the hospital and Bo leaves the money with her before fainting.
She initially doesn’t want the money as her debt is way more than 200k because of the interest. When she learns that Bo’s head-bashing strategy has led to a fatal illness, she uses that money for his palliative care. They get back together and open the shop together before he dies.
Is Im ever able to get out of her debt?
After Bo dies, Im tries to run the shop but she is overwhelmed. However, she comes across a letter Bo had written on the day they finished decorating the shop. He shares that she helped him live freely and even though he is dead, she should live to the fullest. If it gets difficult, she can just stay still and get through the day. He ends the letter by saying that he will always root for her.
In the epilogue of Love You to Debt, we see Im hesitate before opening the shop. But she smiles and heads out and we see that the shop is actually pretty successful as several customers arrive. However, we are not told if she ever fully pays off her debt.