Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) – Season 2 Episode 16 (Finale/Ending) Recap & Review

What A Mess

Episode 16 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 2 is a complete and utter mess. Before we dissect that though, let’s break down what actually happens. We begin with a big decision for Ga-Bin to make.

Given her wedding proposal, she decides to tell Hae-Ryun she wants to be alone for now, taking her leave. Well, Dong-Ma isn’t taking no for an answer and heads over to her place. He scoops her up, takes her out and takes her out, where he ends up buying a whole bunch of clothes for her. He even boasts about remembering her measurements too. During this time, Hae-Ryun struggles to get through to her.

As the day draws on, Dong-Ma manages to convince his ex to seriously consider his offer. He questions her love toward Hae-Ryun while the pair sit and have a picnic. Dong-Ma goes on, admitting that he regrets not meeting her parents in Granada. He uses that as ammunition to win Ga-Bin over. Eventually this culminates in Hae-Ryun’s heart being shattered as Ga-Bin breaks up with him.

Meanwhile, Yu-Shin continues to hang around like a bad smell. Ji-A is happy to see her Dad though, who decides he’s now going to come over for breakfast every day. He’a also going to drive Ji-A to school too. Pi-Young strains a smile. In private though, she warns Yu-Shin away. Only, he mentions Seo-Ban’s history and his work credentials, prompting Pi-Young to hold back and walk away in disgust.

Hye-Ryung continues to put up her facade and heads over to see Moon-Ho and the gang. She apologizes for her actions and asks Song-Won to let her know when she’s going to give birth. Furthermore, she wants to be at her baby shower too.

Elsewhere, Dong-Mi takes up boxing lessons to try and prevent a repeat of the fight that she had with A-Mi off-screen. A-Mi is sly though and concocts a new plan to win Yu-Shin over. She claims the woman has dementia and uses her forgetfulness to try and wind Dong-Mi up.

The next day, Pi-Young finds herself forced to phone Yu-Shin. She needs a handyman and given she can’t get one anytime soon, she calls on him to help. Well, the pair head out for drinks (hey, what about Ji-A? Who’s looking after her?) And discuss their past. In fact, Yu-Shin has a gift for her. It’s a beautiful silver necklace. As he gives it to her, he reveals that it’s actually the anniversary of their first official date.

Although Pi-Young is grateful,A-Mi comes bounding round the corner. It turns out Pi-Young actually rang her prior to this meeting, and it’s just the opportunity she needs to take her leave.

Meanwhile, Ga-Bin rings Si-Eun and reveals she’s outside her apartment. Ga-Bin claims she’s being punished for breaking up her marriage and believes this is why her parents have passed away. As she begins crying, Si-Eun hugs her and eventually brings the girl inside.

Well, not long after Seo-Ban heads out for his scheduled dinner with the girls. While there, the group all start talking, as Si-Eun exudes some words of wisdom. There’s then a jump in time. How long? Who knows, let’s just run with it. Anyway, our different characters head outside preparing for their scheduled weddings. I mean, the pairings are all completely whack, there’s no context for any of this and then the scene cuts to our final scene of the episode.

Little Ji-A is by herself, heading up to see Yu-Shin and Dong-Mi. The girl suddenly lunges at Dong-Mi, as it’s revealed that Ki-Rim is possessing her. She looks set to grab Dong-Mi and choke her out… and then we fade to black. What.

The Episode Review

Was Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) written by a computer algorithm? For me, that seems like the only explanation for what can only be described as utter gibberish for this finale. There’s no closure for any of our characters, every single player has a butchered arc by the end and the character resolutions are non-existent.

What happened to Hye-Ryung’s character? What is going on with the Ki-Rim ghost? What happened between A-Mi and Dong-Mi? Did Hae-Ryun end up alone or did he patch things up with Si-Eun? Did Song Won give birth outside a Sa-Hyun vision? Is Sa-Hyun really okay at work? Did the scandal just blow over in the end? And what’s going on with Pi-Young and Seo-Ban?

There are just so many questions left unanswered for this one. In fact, I’d actually go so far as to say this could be one of the most unsatisfying finales I’ve ever had the misfortune of watching. It really is that bad.

Now, I know I’ve been harsh on this show in previous recaps but next to Luca: The Beginning and Love Alarm Season 2, this is up there with one of the worst k-dramas of the year. As a makjang, this show has failed to really elevate and capitalize on its dramatic spikes. As a thematic look at marriage, the message seems to be that if you have an affair then you’ll land on your feet and be rewarded for it. And as a simple story with a beginning, middle and end, this one fails to actually bring any of our characters on a meaningful or worthwhile journey.

In essence, this has been a complete waste of time. Now, the solo episode with Yu-Shin and Pi-Young is by far the best segment of the entire two season run and for that alone, this elevates the second season score. But as a consistent story across two seasons? This is a dreadful finale. Given the sunk cost fallacy involved with this, the fact that the writers essentially pull a fast one and just leave everything unresolved with a 65 minute finale of not-very-much is unfair to those who have invested time into this one.

Based on the pretense right now that this is the conclusion to the show, it’s a complete and utter disaster. I won’t ramble on, especially for those who like this show, but as a finale this is the perfect example of how not to conclude a show. Maybe it’s time to just watch Sky Castle again!

Previous Episode

Expect A Full Season Write-Up When This Season Concludes!


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33 thoughts on “Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) – Season 2 Episode 16 (Finale/Ending) Recap & Review”

  1. Terrible writing! I’ve wasted time in these two seasons and will not waste anymore time for the 3rd season. The ending did not make any sense and was a huge disappointment! The two best couple, Yasin and Piyoung should have been given a better storyline then to end the way it did. The writer should have focused more on the stepmother and Piyoung fighting for her marriage and bringing to light how evil and wicked Yisun stepmother truly is and get justice for the dad. What an utter, utter disappointment 😒.

  2. I still go over the show to try and work out whether it is a thought or real scene
    The opportunity was there to make a great show , you got it half right
    Please in session three make it make sense or are we going to get more of the same

  3. I was so excited to wait for the second season , I thought there were three couples in this show I got sick of seeing the lawyer his mistress and his mother and father and dog all the time I would much preferred to see more of the other couples and there stories
    What happened to yushins horse what happened with Ami s dad and I hope Yu shin doesn’t marry Ami but gets back with Piyoung
    Ami is sooo annoying
    I will watch the start of season three but if it takes a turn like I think it will I will be turning off the show

  4. There pairings literally doesn’t make sense…. Well I’m just fine with Ami and Sa hyeon but Seo Ban and Song Won doesn’t literally make sense also Dongma and Pi young… Well I’m quite satisfied with the drama but not the ending… LIKE WTH!!… Just like that they skipped so many questions like literally left us hanging… I wish the pairings are not true and just an illusion or dream. PLEASE DEAR WRITERS I REALLY HOPED THAT THE PAIRINGS ARE JUST FAKEE. UGHHHHH A LOT WILL DEFINITELY HATE IT. Please justify the time we spend watching the drama from season 1 and 2.

  5. I like the ending.

    It teases a possible Season 3 with leaving room for speculation. I saw the ending as the couple pairings that would have lasted and created stable marriages.

    Cause honestly I would not know how the first marriage couple would have met and fall in love. They seem a good fit temperament wise though. In both of his relationships the guy had a girl to tell him what to do and in his new relationship I could see the women get fed up with his boyisch helplessness that he displays . Especially when they have a child that needs to be taken care of.

    It shows how random and unpredictable things sometimes are that there is no guarantee your partner that is great now will be so in 10 years.

    I think the ending says the same is true for the ‘new’ couples of the show who were created by cheating their partners.

    Overall I really liked this Season.

  6. Paging the writer/writers of this kdrama. We invested/put in more than 32 hours watching your season 1 and season 2 of this show. You owe us watchers to give us an ending that makes sense whether a happy or not a happy ending. Honestly, I enjoyed watching your show so when season 1 ended, I was excitedly waiting for season 2 to come out. The dialogues expecially between Piyoung and Yusin were very interesting. Why mess it up at the end?????

  7. There were three creators of this show. I thought out of the three at least one would have the common sense to disagree with the team that the ending was brainless. They never mapped out all episodes ahead of time. Instead they threw several subplots without any resolution. They obviously did not have an ending until the very end. My favorite was Pi Young. She was neither the mean nor the saintly wife but I didn’t agree not to inform the child about the divorce. The worst was the ghost. It didn’t belong there. It would be funnier if A Mi were the one possessed and drove Dong Mi to admit her guilt. I think the idea of the step mother in love with the step son she raised is a sick and twisted idea. All the performers were great but the writers didn’t give justice to the show. I am afraid Season 3 would be an extension of poor scripts again. Both finale episodes of both seasons were terrible. It would be the same for the new season. Waste of time.

  8. I really really hope there is a Season 3 and it is mentioned soon.
    I enjoyed this series very very much.
    Loved each character. Loved the jewelry. Loved the clothes. And especially learning the customs.
    End of season 2 felt incomplete.
    But 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  9. I watch only the last two episodes to see how the ex-wife’s taking revenge on the unfaithful husbands . This was the worst and most ridiculous
    drama I ever watch. The writers are trying to lure the viewers into season 3 just to make money!
    How dare he prayed the LORD’S PRAYER when they had a affair and have a baby. Is a slap to the Christian faith! Is he telling people that GOD bless him to have a baby with his mistress and lead into divorcing his wife? The writers should leave GOD out of this when they do even know the bible!

  10. Their is a question in my mind.. is this drama really comes to end? Ahhh… maybe there’s part 3 of it… But it says Ending….Why hehehe… You leave a lot of question into our Minds … But its butter to have a countinuestion to give justification in what we see in finale☺

  11. I was very disappointed with the ending. What the heck?
    It made me feel like I wasted my time with Season 2.
    All those weddings could be a vision/wishful thinking/dream who knows.

  12. Was a great show if not for the disastrous ending! Awful is a little word to describe ending. Made me regret all the time invested in watching it at the first place. It made it the worst k drama that I to see and that had no meaning. Obviously writer was farting while writing this last episode. Someone should tell him shame on you!

  13. On one hand the ending was bizarre. On the other hand the writers created many threads for storylines in a season three. Ghost possessed granddaughter, black widow finally pays, who marries who, etc., etc.

  14. Anxiety took ahold of me waiting to exhale at the conclusion. This was such a mess. They didn’t just get drunk on soju but on ram goat’s piss. What happened to the ending I expected! I was looking forward to the new baby and much happiness. I wanted the dead husband to choke his ugly scheming old hag of a wife to death. I wanted Jia’s parents back together since the idiotic g/f is so stupid and dumb. Jia’s father doesn’t want that daft wench. He didn’t even sleep with her. What’s that to sleep with! I can’t stand the exwife of the new father. She’s such a malicious blackened eyes wretch. Her poor ex-husband took such a beating from that demon. His new wife better start loving him or I’ll be coming to South Korea.
    Why were they paired wronly at the end. Those foreign names are such a mixup that I can’t comment on them individually. That too was a turn off. I should just stick to American movies afterall. Inadvertently I somehow love watching Asian movies especially Korean, Japanese and Chinese ones because the first love thing got me but the conclusion of this one might have just put a wedge in between us. I think this one really wants to turn off foreigners. Sloppy is as sloppy does. Someone owes me for wasting my precious time.

  15. Io sono senza parole ….non riesco nemmeno a spiegare la delusione di questa puntata finale 😥immaginavo la 3 serie , ma con delle dinamiche diverse …. comunque grazie mille per la traduzione 😊👍

  16. Very much appreciated! Your theory makes sense, however i can’t help but notice that Sa Hyeon was called a handsome “GROOM” when he was making his appearance to the reporters, I thought maybe Songwon and Ami decided to have a double wedding and make a shift just like you said. But then, Sa Hyeon held Ami’s hand after entering the car. There should atleast be a boundary if you’re someone else’s bride? :(

    As for Seo Ban and Song Won, i think they are really the bride and the groom because of how they looked at each other and how her boquet of flowers similar to Seo Ban’s flowers in his chest. Noticed that Sa Hyeon was not wearing any fowers like a typical groom would, Ami wasn’t also holding any flowers.

    As for Seo Dongma and Pi Young, they’re really getting married, their entry was announced like “The bride and groom will enter together” and they had a similar flowers on them.

    As for Si Eun and Hae Ryun..
    I think you are right, they might reconcile, or co-parent. Since Dongma is marrying Piyoung, I guess he will dump Nam Ga Bin the 2nd time around and she might also reconcile with Hae-Ryun, which can also explain the dream that Si Eun had. I think there might be a deeper meaning to that dream. Maybe Nam Ga Bin will give birth and pass away.

    Yu Sin was seen living with Dong Mi, so maybe they are going to end up together? Makes sense why the “First Love” thingy was mentioned too much in this drama. But it is hella disgusting if this will be the case, i hope it doesn’t end up that way.

    Right, Maybe Boo Hae Ryeong will meet someone new (Hopefully someone even way better than Sa Hyeon and Seo Ban) Why do i get a feeling though that she might just adopt a kid of her own and live as a devoted mother? Justifying those scenes where her heart just melts everytime she sees pregnant women.

    I seriously now realize why Ami is always so close to Song Won.. Maybe that is how she is going to meet Sa Hyeon. I don’t like the idea but, come to think of it, they both have a very similar personality. A “come-what-may” type of personality.

    And also how similarly dry Seo Ban and Song Won are. They really both have the same demeanor. I hate the pairing but, i have to admit it makes sense too.

    I hate it when the mistresses are marrying rich husbands after ruining a marriage/life. The only best part maybe would be Seo Dongma and Sa Pi Young, well, atleast one of the legal wives got her revenge. Piyoung and Dongma have the same demeanor and vibes. Like being responsible at work, being health conscious and wearing elegant clothes, as detailed as Piyoung.

    Omg … i wish there will be a different turn of events. I wish these were all just mere nightmares of some of them hahaha!

  17. I loved this show, and I know there’s a season 3…but I really didn’t like the pairings at the end. It makes zero sense, and instead of making me excited to see more, I felt deflated. I think there’s already enough story to flesh out for season 3. Forgetting the last scene, here it is: who will get together with Seo Ban? Did Prof Hyun commit suicide at the river (unlikely, but it’s a valid question) and does he reconcile with his family? Will Ga Bin forgive herself? Does A Mi get to hear her own family back story? It’s very likely that her dad cheated on her mom and that’s why she doesn’t have a father figure. If this is the case, how will A Mi feel about her own situation? Will Dong Mi get caught for her crime? Will Ji A find out the truth about her dad’s affair? What happens to Boo Hyrung, will she find someone? Will she get pregnant? Will she stay in Sa Hyun’s life, one way or another? There are so many questions left unanswered. I think they could’ve ended it with Song Won giving birth and having that joyous moment, add in some element of surprise (but not too much! Which is what the last scene was…someone went really heavy with the surprise sauce) and cut. I’ll watch season 3, because I think the writer has enough talent to make a good story….but I’m not sad I have to wait for it. I feel nothing about it. Anyway, thanks for your awesome reviews!!!

  18. Ridiculous ending making no sense whatsoever! Total waste of time. If there is a season 3 who wants to wait that long to see it. Endings of season 1&2 were both horrendous ….Writers need to make an apology and give us something more Immediately so that we can put this to rest!!!!!

  19. Since its been announced that there is a 3rd season I’m not waiting around to watch it….anyway its not going to be shown until summer of 2022. I hope we’ll all forget this mess of a series by then. I agree that there were some highlights like the whole episode devoted to Pi-Young & Yu-sun and Si-Eun’s daughter telling her dad off, but that was the exception.

    The ending…I have no words since it was so unrelated to anything that happened up till now. If that was done for shock value it failed miserably and in fact I felt insulted for spending my time watching this series. I expected a 3rd series but to end the 2nd season that way was ridiculous. The writer must have gone off the rails writing this whacky finish.

  20. Total disaster! Will not waste my time should there be a season 3. Rather be rewatching other good shows.

  21. Couldn’t have said it better. Now, the only redeeming explanation is that a third season is definitely coming, so the craziness that was the last five minutes of the show was the writer’s failed attempt at a preemptive “Bobby in the shower” dream scene a la “Dallas” to truly leave us hanging from a cliff. Guess we’ll have to wait to find out.

  22. Did the writer(s) get drunk on soju and perhaps stoned? Even that does not explain that ludicrous, absurd and disconnected final episode. I won’t even try to guess what lunacy overtook those responsible for winding down the Season 2, Eopisode 16, Finale. But, I feel that I have been punk’d, and laughed at and made fun of by the writers who “rewarded’ us for the 32 hours we devoted to this drama for both seasons, and, speaking for myself, the disappointment and rancor I feel toward those responsible for it, is intense.
    Many wonderful moments were packed into those 31.5 hours of watching the drama and are too many to recount. But, a highlight was Season 2’s dialogue between Yu-sin and his wife, following her acceptance of his affair was intelligent, heart-wrenching and believable. Their relationship’s devolution was perceptive and authentic and the actors’ delivery was superb. The love affair between Sa-hyeon and Song Won had happily taken a sharp turn towards resolution, and the disappointment at being so close to sharing their joy, only to have it snatched away like a steely cat sneaking up on it’s hapless prey. Even if there is a Season 3 that will address this disastrous conclusion, my friend has already indicated that she will not watch it because she has lost trust that those involved in scripting this drama and has no faith now that they will seriously tackle those numerous loose ends. “Why should we trust them,” she laments. As for me, I have decided to put the musical chairs marriage scenes out of my mind because they are too silly to entertain. Though this means that there is no closure, and that is far more acceptable than the insane, preposterous ending foisted upon us that we had to collectively endure at the conclusion of Season 2, Episode 16.

  23. The season finale was dreadful to say the least and the cast nor the fans deserved it. It was weak, thoughtless, and makes one not want to buy into this genre at all. It actually angered me and I am mot one to be emotionally invested into television shows. The writers should be fired. It really felt like a computer-generated culmination. Deplorable. Way to appreciate your fans!

  24. Pan sa-hyeon is escorting Ami getting married to Yu-shin. (Ami has no father figure or male figure to support this marriage so probably Pan sa- hyeon did this instead.

    Dong ma is escorting piyong to get married to his older brother -seo ban.

    Hye-ryoung has found a different man to be with (new character in season 3).

    Nam gabin will either stay single or get mattied to dong ma.

    And seo-ban escorting her suppose future post partum chinese tutor to get married to pan sa/ hyeon.

    The oldest couple could get back together or remain coparenting without getting back as couple – reconcillation in different kind might happen.

    Just theory. Its seems mess up but kdrama loves cliffhanger at the end to keep their option open for another season or alternative ending or letting viewers decide what ending they would like.

  25. Agree with the reviewer- ridiculous and insulting to viewers. If there is ever a Season 3, we will have forgotten the story anyway. So annoying.

  26. Gosh what a FLAT TIRE ending. What were the writers thinking? Why end the storyline jumping foward with no explanation of the NEW married couples 🤔🤔🤔 lol. Did they put their names in a paper bag shaked it up. Then pulled names, OK here are the new couples 😂😂😧.

  27. Maybe they are setting things up for a Season 3. There is no damn way the producers could have ended the show like this. It would be a crime against art, and story. South Korea would have to bow 90 degrees to their global audience. They can’t do this to such a great story.

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