Love At First Kiss Plot Summary
Alauda Ruiz de Aza’s romantic drama “Love at First Kiss,” recognized as “Eres T” in Spanish, is the latest romcom on Netflix. It centers on Javier, a publisher who possesses the ability to predict every detail of his future love life after just one first kiss. Javier foresees a strong future with a woman named Lucia, and interestingly the woman is his best friend’s girlfriend. This causes circumstances to drastically change.
As Javier begins to look for the love that he is destined to end with, the hunt for “the one” serves as the movie’s central theme. He is forced to choose between sticking to the routine or going through something unexpected. His ability to predict his fate with the girl he kisses, therefore, serves as both a blessing and a torment. As a consequence, the movie offers an analysis of contemporary relationships through a special device that injects new life into the romantic comedy subgenre.
The movie subtly analyses contemporary romantic relationships while challenging the conventions of a typical love story. It explores the complexities of a modern love story where people fall both in and out of love instantly using its psychic twist. The narrative is realistically grounded through the main character’s emotional struggles, even though Javier’s abilities give it a hint of fantasy.
Why does Javi break up with his former girlfriends?
A pessimistic Javi prepares to part ways with his girlfriend inside a bar on a Friday evening when the tale opens. But when one of his former girlfriends interrupts, it becomes clear that the set-up seems to be a regular trick of his. He seems to have a long tradition of ending relationships with people he cannot envision a future with, evidently for no apparent reason.
Although his ex-girlfriends appear to view this justification as an indication of what they believe to be Javi’s commitment difficulties, the fact of the matter is that it’s merely his know-it-all attitude.
How does Javi fall in love with Luca?
Beginning with his initial kiss at the tender age of 16, Javi has possessed the ability to predict the course of his connection to whoever he kisses. He never allows his relationships to progress past anything casual because ever since his initial breakup. He has discovered that it’s best to obey his first kiss mental images.
A blind date that doesn’t work out results in an abrupt and surprising turn of events. It concludes with an intoxicated kiss between Luca and Javi. Javi comes to the stark realization that Luca is his true love as a mental montage of an idyllic, whirlwind romance plays out.
Why are Roberto and Luca no longer together?
Following that evening, Luca and Javi’s bond develops and the two begin to feel an intimacy that has yet to fully develop, all the while Luca is having second thoughts about her situation with Roberto. Javi is certain that Roberto and Luca won’t ever get along. He also struggles with letting go of the potential future he might have with Luca.
Javi has a discussion with Roberto and tries to persuade him that maybe he is not as content in this relationship. Due to a serious breakdown in communication, Roberto decides that he must propose to Luca alternatively, and he ends up getting down on one knee in front of her while she’s at work.
Luca rejects him as Javi and Luca get together soon after the couple splits up, which makes both of them feel terrible for primarily deceiving Roberto in their own ways.
Do Javi and Luca end up together?
Although Luca briefly attempts to steer clear of a relationship with Javi, it ultimately becomes unavoidable and the two enter a beautiful dream-like love story. Their relationship develops, they witness all the experiences Javi had imagined them enduring together, and everything seems to be going as smoothly as it possibly could. Until the relationship’s certainty begins to catch up with them, that is.
Their relationship begins to suffer the consequences of Javi’s previous vision, which also causes him to avoid terrible experiences in advance and exhibit an odd incapability to be surprised.
Javi seems to see his life with Luca after their first kiss. His destiny with Luca is exceptional, tempting a long, fulfilling life together after several unsuccessful and fruitless relationships. For maybe the first time in a long time, Javi is confident that this relationship will last, which has led to his contentment with it.
Things begin to unravel though, when Luca attempts to arrange a surprise celebration for Javi on his birthday and Javi fails miserably to act surprised. Javi anticipated the celebration and the unexpected trip to Marrakesh.
Because of everything, Luca starts to feel dull and formulaic. She creates some distance between them and departs for Marrakech without Javi, taking her companion Esther alternatively. Both partners begin to question their relationship.
Both partners are unhappy with their relationship’s indisputable air of dullness at this point. In the end, neither feel contented and pleased, and they come to the realization that they’ll be happier with other people, which causes them to part ways.
Does Javi find his one true love?
When looked at closely, Javi’s ability to predict the future is revealed to be a hindrance rather than a blessing. You can’t appreciate a tale if you already know how it will wrap up.
Javi consistently criticizes writer Sonsoles’ recent literary work because he detects it to be repetitive and unengaging in his professional life. The same goes for his relationship with Luca.
For the same reason, Javi doesn’t see anything when he kisses Ariana. He is not given a glimpse into the future; all he sees is them next to each other right now.
Ariana exudes spontaneity in genuine manic short-hair-dream-girl style. In terms of the story, she has been everything Javi isn’t. She took chances, which Javi never did throughout his personal or professional relationships. She never ceases to astound Javi with her quirky outlook on life. Towards the climax, Javi has eased several of his preconceptions and has begun to focus more on the present than the future.
Javi and Ariana share a kiss in the final sequence before the screen goes black. It makes reference to their first kiss and suggests that Javi is embracing the present. Consequently, it is improbable that Javi and Ariana’s passion will end because the element of surprise will always be present.
Eventually, Javi has accepted uncertainty as a fact of life. He seems to put a metaphorical nail in the coffin when he chases Ariana down a sidewalk and tells her he’ll follow her anywhere she goes.
Read More: Love At First Kiss Movie Review