Lootere, a new TV series that debuted in March, follows a crew of brave souls from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, working on a cruise ship, who find themselves in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse with Somali pirates. The tension is high as they fight to save their ship and their lives. At the center of the show are Captain AK Singh and Vikrant, a businessman who has something of extreme value on the ship.
Lootere Season 1 Episode 5 Release Date
Episode 5 of Lootere Season 1 will grace our screens on Thursday 11th April. Episode 5 will run for approximately 48 minutes, which aligns with the typical duration of episodes in the series.
What transpired in Episode 4?
Episode 4 kicks off with Koombe threatening Aisha, leading to a confrontation with Barkhand. Vikram plans to ransom the ship to pay his debt, but things are now complicated, given that Koombe has killed one of the crew members.
Back in Mogadishu, Avika investigates Ismael’s disappearance, which reveals a pattern of multiple missing boys. To keep the morale high, AK Singh shares a story of hope with his crew, but Zafar is skeptical, saying they’re not that fortunate. Troubles multiples for Vikram when both Tawfiq and Gupta, his right-hand man betray him.
Where Can I Watch Lootere Season 1?
You can catch the pilot season of Lootere on Disney+ Hotstar. However you do need to have a premium subscription if you’re planning to stream the series.
Disney+ has different plans to choose from. The Basic plan costs $7.99/month and includes ads but no downloads. The Premium plan costs $13.99/month (or $139.99/year) and has no ads, allows downloads, and offers Dolby Atmos.
If you want more than just Disney+, there are bundles available. The Disney Bundle Duo Basic costs $9.99/month and includes Disney+ and Hulu with ads. The Disney Bundle Duo Premium costs $19.99/month and offers both services ad-free.
How Many Episodes Will Lootere Season 1 Have?
Season 1 of Lootere will consist of 8 episodes in total. After the pilot episodes, new episodes will be released every Thursday. So, if you count the first two episodes, there are four more episodes to look forward to!
Is There a Trailer for Lootere Season 1?
There is, indeed! You can check out the full trailer below:
What do you hope to see as the series progresses through the weeks? What’s been your favorite moment of Lootere so far? Let us know in the comments below!