Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Guide: Chapter 5
Area List (Tap to jump down the page!) |
Suspicious Minds |
Substory 31 |
Substory 34 |
Jin (Boss Fight) |
Suspicious Minds
Chapter 5 of Infinite Wealth begins at Crystal Aloha Resort, with Chi-san happy to be part of the team now. Tomizawa is sceptical but Kiryu and Ichiban are all for her joining them, so I guess we have our team. For now, head on over to Revolve.
When you arrive, Chitose will look over the details you’ve gathered so far on Akane and notice that there’s little in the way of details about her job.
Akane was actually a director of an orphanage, something Sawashiro didn’t really mention beforehand. This gives us a new clue to go on. At this point, you can also choose to speak to Tomi and improve your Bond with him over by the bar, selecting different choices to grow your personality. It’s highly advisable that you do this.
It’s definitely a good idea to maximize your time at Revolve and grow your Bond in this way. Much like in Like A Dragon, make sure you double-check the menu and if your bond with a character is maxed out, speak to them in the bar and you’ll be able to level up.
Finishing this with Tomi will unlock Tag Team moves too, which will definitely help you during your fights.
Head upstairs when you’re ready and interact with the sofa to end the day. In the morning, take the taxi over to “Anaconda” and then walk outside the Shopping Center and down the street. You can walk or use your Street Surfer but this is the fastest way to your destination.
Head outside and toward your destination. Tomizawa will immediately recognize a mark that’s used by a volunteer group throughout Hawaii. Dana, one of the caretakers, will point out that Akane just up and disappeared. That was 13 days back. This lines up with Chitose’s story about the Barracudas being after her.
The police have actually dropped the case after they confirmed the handwritten letter was written by Akane herself too.
Akane is the closest thing to a mother for most of these kids and she’s been there for nearly 40 years too. Not long after leaving Japan, she must have gone straight into being the Director here, explaining why Sawashiro hesitated in killing her.
However, there are more pressing matters to deal with, and that stems from the Food Bank. It’s up to Ichiban and co. to collect up Hawaiian food. Tomizawa will suggest the Local Market at Harbor Park, so head on over there now.
The exact location is just left of the basketball courts, over by the blue tented stalls that read Ride The Waves. When you head over, now is a great time to befriend a whole bunch of locals. When you approach Yamada’s stall, you’ll have a fight on your hands.
Barracuda thugs will show up, so go ahead and take them out. You’ll have numbers on your side and by now, you should have a decent hold on using each of the characters and their special moves.
When they’re down, you’ll gain 920 Experience, 828 Job Experience, +1 Bond and $40.
Seeing how much help Akane-san has been for these people inspired Ichiban to do more. After the food drive, he wants to do more… but Tomizawa suggests instead unwinding and kicking back for a bit.
Our next port of call is the Travel Agency, so travel over there now. When you show up, a cutscene will trigger and show off a rather scary-looking tree-man. Alo-happy?
Substory 31 |
Alo-Happy Tours is a travel agency and they specialize in being an all-Japanese speaking place. Elizabeth is the manager but her real name is Eri. She’s um, rather eccentric. Here, you can sign up for different activities which will, in turn, unlock new jobs and let you switch over. There are various other Alo-Happy locations in Hawaii too, including Diving, Surfing and more. For now, select Diving and you’ll unlock the Aquanaut Job. There’s also a special changing room here too which will let you change your gear. This is pretty useful as it allows you to set inherited skills from any job you’ve had. This way, you can improve your personality, deepen your bonds and allows you to set a Kiwami skill. You can carry over different skills too. When a character’s job rank increases, it’s not just the stats that grow but also your character’s own stats too. The more jobs rank up, the stronger each character will become. When you leave the Travel Agency, you’ll be handed another Substory – quite literally! Alo-happy will hand over a flyer and ask for Ichiban’s help in taking some photos for the rally. You’ll need to take photos of various spots around town, which will be indicated with Camera Symbols. Then, press X (A) to snap a photo and bring it back to Alo-Happy. The first is right outside the front door, and the rest are scattered around Hawaii. For now, feed this back to Alo-happy and he’ll encourage you to head off and find each of these in exchange for great prizes. |
Now, head on down to Aloha Beach, and watch the cutscene that triggers. Here, Chi-san will open up and reveal more about her past, and how stifling her family life is. She wants to be free, just like Ichiban. He encourages her to run and escape from that life and be free, just like she wants.
Chitose will tease you that it sounds like you’re about to propose, bringing things back to the Saeko incident earlier in the game. Either way, she’ll thanks Ichiban for listening and we’ll be onto our next target. Now, this is near District Five and a fair distance away from the beach so hop on your Street Surfer and let’s go there now. You may have noticed we’ve recommended against using taxis in the game and there’s a good reason for that.
If you want to unlock everything, walking to your destination is a good way of growing everything from Aloha Links to catching Sujimon and completing your Bond bingo too. However, this is your choice whether you want to do this or not.
Either way, when you eventually arrive at the site, another substory will begin.
Substory 34 |
After speaking to Romero and ferrying across to the construction site gates, we’ll be at the labyrinth. This place is said to have foreboding properties and people have gone missing here. You can choose to either pay the guy standing outside or leave it for now but either way, we’ll be entering the dungeon. At the entrance, a voice will call for help from deeper inside and Ichiban and co will go and investigate. This is just like in Persona, with the various dungeons and descending deeper into Mementos. The idea is generally the same here but the dungeon will change layouts every time so writing a walkthrough is nigh-on impossible. However, each floor will have special items on each floor which people by the front entrance will require. The deeper you go in the dungeon, the more valuable rewards you’ll receive. You can dodge some enemies in areas off the beaten track but you want to try and find the ladder down in each floor to descend deeper to your destination. Make good use of the mini-map and on the third floor, it’ll pave way for a boss fight. Allen and his two cronies will turn into giant clowns and they tend to do big damage to multiple enemies. They’ll either throw their juggling balls in the air and hit a good chunk of the area on the ground, or they’ll spin round and kick multiple enemies. You need to be careful here and try to use your moves carefully. You don’t want to die as you’ll end up back at the start of the dungeon. Use Kiryu as a healer (given he has the most HP) and Chitose can use Epaulement and Grand Jefe, which Allen is weak to. Likewise, Battery Shock is a great option too. Use your Pound Mates for this fight if you need it, especially to take out Allen and the Roughnecks. It’s a good idea to take out both cronies first before focusing on the boss. This fight is worth persevering with though, as it’ll net you 4528 Experience, 4074 Job Experience, 10+ Bond and $332. You’ll also get a Jet Surfboard for your troubles too after the fight. Back at the entrance, this will complete the Substory but there are deeper layers in the Labyrinth to explore and it’s certainly a tantalizing prospect! |
With this done, head back to see Romero, who will send you all the way to Art Wells, which is way down the other side of the map! When you show up, it’s time for a big fight with a bunch of gangsters.Boss Fight
Boss Fight – Jin |
Jin is weak to Electric, so use this to your advantage. He’s also flanked by a bunch of “mysterious villains” who tend to buff their attacks by raising their magic. They also like to use big melee strikes too so, just like before, try to line up your attacks to hit multiple enemies. You can also attempt to Perfect Guard their strikes too which will help lower down the damage done against you. If you can, use a Tag Team attack to knock out a fair chunk of enemies and save Jin for last. You want to defeat the other goons first, and if you can get an attack on Jin at the same time as you hit through the wave. When it’s just Jin, be wary of his attacks as he tends to use a move called Stabbing Frenzy, which deals a good chunk of damage. He may even KO one of your team if you’re not careful. Once these guys are down, you’ll gain 4370 Experience, 3933 Job Experience, +10 Bond and $172.16. |
With Jin defeated, none other than the founder of Palekana will show up, Bryce Fairchild!
Bryce will invite you all back to his, where he’ll reveal what he knows about Akane. Palekana reached out to her and helped turn her life around. She’s a model believer now but is faithful to the orphanage. This makes her disappearance all the more troubling. However, Bryce is interested in what happens with her and encourages you to get in touch once you hear news.
While you’re all talking, Chitose will be missing. In fact, she’s hiding behind a tree on the phone outside. She’s clearly not being completely truthful and whoever she’s on the phone to, she’s not being completely truthful…
<< Chapter 4 |
Chapter 6 >> |
You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here! |