Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth Guide: Chapter 12
Area List (Tap to jump down the page!) |
For Ol’ Times Sake |
Goro, Daigo & Taiga (Boss Fight) |
Narasaki (Boss Fight) |
For Ol’ Times Sake
Chapter 12 of Like A Dragon starts with us over in Tokyo. Leave the apartment and get a cab over to Kamurocho. Whilst there, be sure to check out the various different stores to get the best weapons and gear you can. We’re fast approaching the end-game so be sure to do everything you can to prepare for this.
When you approach the marker, a new Memoir will open up, Memoir of a Dragon 37.
Kiryu will overhear Shizuko discussing a mascot she has as a keychain. She was just a little girl then but she’s grown up to become a schoolgirl. Follow her along to Pink Street and scare off the goons who corner her in the alleyway.
Turns out Shizuko is training to be a doctor and she’s studying hard to make sure this becomes a reality. When the gang show back up again – with extra number – as a reward for defeating these guys, she’ll hand over 1x Ono Michio Keychain.
With the Memoir completed, head on over to the Four Shine club. This will trigger Memoir of a Dragon 39. Defeat the employee who swaggers outside and talk to Koyuki inside.
Once this is done, head on over to Ijincho by taking a cab. On the way, you’ll trigger Memoirs of a Dragon 36 with a homeless guy on the floor. Select “Look for a hospital” and then head on over to the hospital to finish everything up.
Now, get the cab to Ijincho. In this new area, you’ll need to reach Daigo from Jinnai station. It’s recommended at this point that you be Level 41 or higher. If you are, let’s get cracking and select “Get going“.
Kiryu will show up to see the former big dogs of each clan. Daigo Dojima, Goro Majima and Taiga Seajima will all be here but oh how the might have fallen. The guys will explain how the Tatara channel systematically outed each of them. Kiryu will chirp up and mention Ebina. Now, as fate would have it his old surname was Hikawa meaning he’s related to Arakawa’s old family!
The speculation here, given the ties with Arakawa and Yukido Hikawa (Ebina’s mother) is that Ebina may actually be his son. Ebina holds a lot of hatred for Arakawa so it would make sense.
Before you part ways, Kiryu will ask them to help out Sawashiro to see through this Great Dissolution. Unfortunately, the others won’t play ball right now and that leads to a big fight.
Goro, Daigo & Taiga
Boss Fight – Goro, Daigo & Taiga |
When the boss fight starts, Goro will immediately raise his Evasion. Goro is also Resistant to Electric but Weak to Fire. Dojima is weak to Electric too while Taiga is weak to water. Be sure to use all of this to your advantage. Try and hit some big Essence moves right off the bat, as Daigo will use Acala’s Spirit, which raises the Defence and Willpower of everyone in the party. He also has Downfall in his line-up, which is a simple melee strike that will knock you on the ground. Finally, there’s Quick Combo, which sees a flurry of punches thrown your way. As for Goro, he’ll use Rising Slash, which is a nasty move that does a good chunk of damage. If that wasn’t enough, Taiga will use Rush Combo, where he’ll pummel you with a flurry of different punches and deal big damage. Use the elemental weaknesses of each of the trio to your advantage, and in this fight it’s actually a good idea to focus on Dojima first. His abilities to buff everyone else can be a real pain and it’s a good idea to get rid of him to help things run smoother. When Goro gets down to around 50% health remaining, he’ll use Doppelganger. At this point, focus on getting rid of Goro’s doubles, as they can easily swing the tide of battle. Continue focusing on Dojima or Goro first and wipe them out. Taiga has some big slashing attacks, along with melee strikes like Braining Smash, but he isn’t as problematic as the others. Of course, you can always use Pound Mates here too to help swing things back in your favour should you find yourself overwhelmed. Charlie’s ability to damage and also heal at the same time is a really hand tool to use if you’re struggling. Just keep hitting these guys with your best attacks and they will eventually go down. As a reward you’ll gain 171080 Experience, 153940 Job Experience, +15 Bond and 11,250,666 yen. |
After the big fight, head on back to your apartment. Unfortunately, Tatara has struck again but this time it’s Eiji pulling the strings, not Chitose. There’s an upcoming livestream which could just be the ticket to take this down once and for all. When you gain control of Kiryu, head down and get a taxi over to the former Tojo Clan hideout.
Once there, the big news about the nuclear waste drops, with Tatara pulling the strings as the PR rep. The Seiryu Clan announce that they’re dissolving live on TV.
When you gain control of Kiryu, head on through the clan hideout, along the linear path to your destination. Along the way there will be a fair number of fights. When you enter the interior, defeat the enemies here and open the safe to grab 1x Eternal Night Jacket. Just to right of this up on the shelf is War God’s Keystone.
After more fighting, when you head back inside, take a sharp left to open up a small room (pictured above). This holds a Safe inside. Open it up and you’ll receive 1x Head Honcho’s Jacket. Just beyond this will be a save point and a cooler, so be sure to rest up before heading into the main atrium.
Boss Fight – Narasaki |
Narasaki’s boss fight comes in two waves, and the fight will have you taking out plenty of goons as you do. The second wave will turn your attention to Narasaki himself, who will be flanked by various clan members. Be sure to take all of these guys out first before focusing on the main boss. Narasaki is weak to Electric, so be sure to use this against him whenever you can. He’s also resistant to knife attacks so don’t use any blades against him. When it’s just Narasaki left in the arena, be sure to hit him with electric moves and your biggest melee strikes to take him down quickly. Furthermore, Dragon’s Resurgence will do a big chunk of damage so if you can focus this exclusively against Narasaki, you’ll be able to tun the fight quite quickly in your favour. When Narasaki is down, you’ll gain 110200 Experience, 99180 Job Experience, +15 Bond and 8,500,000 yen |
When Narasaki passes out, he’ll quickly announce that all of this was a ruse and Sawashiro was never here to begin with. Instead, it’s all a big set-up to make Kiryu and co look like public enemy number 1s. Uh oh!
<< Chapter 11 |
Chapter 13 >> |
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