Liar Liar
Liar Liar Season 1 follows the journey of Hiroto Shinohara on Academy Island as he searches for his long-lost friend. The Islands is essentially a massive playground with a competitive aura so strong, everything is based on the results of games played by students. In search of his friend, Hiroto gets sucked into the culture in order to simply stay on the Island.
It comprises of a variety of games in which students can challenge each other to gain stars and rank up. To add complexity is the existence of different colored stars which are quite rare, but grant the user with special abilities. Apart from that each game also has a wide array of abilities which a student can choose from to secure a victory.
Hiroto being a new recruit is assisted by Himeji Shirayuki and Sarasa Saionji are also students either assigned to or dependent on Hiroro’s success. Combining the Special Abilities and Expert Tactics, the anime presents us with a mind-blowing course of intellectually stimulating games between the students.
If you’ve been following the Anime over the weeks, you may be curious to find out when the next episode will be released.
Here’s everything you need to know about Liar Liar Season 1 Episode 9, including its release date, time and where you can watch this.
Where Can I watch Liar Liar?
Episode 9 of Liar Liar will be available worldwide to watch on Crunchyroll, Ani-One Asia, Bahamut Anime Crazy, CatchPlay, and MeWatch.
Liar Liar Episode 9 Release Date
Liar Liar Episode 9 will release on Saturday 26Th August at 22:30 (JST) with the episode to clock in at 23 minutes long which is consistent with the timeframe for the rest of the series.
How Many Episodes Will Liar Liar Have?
Liar Liar has been commissioned to have 12 Episodes in total. After the release of 8 episodes, expect there to be 4 more episodes.
Is There a Trailer For Liar Liar Season 1?
There is Indeed! There is an epic trailer, which you can find below.
What Happens In Episode 8?
Episode 8 focuses on the commencement of the ASTRAL inter-academy competition, highlighting the first 2 days of the inter-academy battle. The chapter also goes on to partially explain the rules of the games leaving part of it to be discovered along the competition.
The battle characterizes a run-into with a rival team as they battle to survive. Furthermore, we’re introduced to several top-tier players from competing academies.
We’ve got the whole episode covered with a lengthy recap that touches on all major plot points and discusses the chapter with an accompanying review. You can find that link below:
Read More: Liar Liar Episode 8 Recap & Review
What do you hope to see as the series progresses? What’s been your favorite moment of Liar Liar so far? Let us know in the comments below!