Landman – Season 1 Episode 10 Recap, Review & Ending Explained

Is Monty Dead?

Episode 10 of Landman starts at the hospital. Monty’s life is on the line after suffering an aneurysm, and the doctors are trying to stabilise him. Monty’s fate is not looking great since he needs a heart transplant urgently, but it is only possible if his body recovers and is healthy enough to survive the surgery.

What happens to Tommy Norris?

Tommy is summoned to the hospital by Cami and their family lawyer, Alan. Monty’s will states that whenever he is incapacitated, Tommy takes over as President of M-Tex Oil and facilitates the sale of the company. The proceeds of the sale are to be put into Cami’s foundation and trust with Tommy as the executor. Tommy agrees to be President on condition that Alan and Cami are part of the decision-makers.

Their first order of business is executing the 167 million dollar farm-out Monty had previously negotiated. After weighing the pros and cons, Tommy thinks that the best option is to sell the deal, but Cami wants to take the risk for Monty’s sake. Therefore, Tommy takes over as president and calls Rebecca, Nate, and Dale to renegotiate the lease on the farm-out.

On the way back from the meeting, Jimenez and his men abduct Tommy. They intend to send a message to the oil companies to show them that the cartel is not to be trifled with. They take Tommy and make him watch as they blow up one of their oil wells. Tommy is not afraid, since he knows Jimenez’s actions damage the cartel business more. The authorities will look into it, and they will figure out if the cartel is involved.

However, Jimenez says blowing up the well is just a warning. He drags Tommy to an underground club where he is tortured with hammers, nails, beat-ups, and gasoline. Tommy sees his life flash before his eyes. Tommy is saved by Galino, the cartel leader and Jimenez’s boss who executes Jimenez and all his men.

Unlike Jimenez, who always wanted to seem superior, Galino wants to become partners with Tommy. Tommy is resistant and tries to tell Galino to stay out of their way since the oil companies have more influence compared to the cartel. Galino is unconcerned about Tommy’s threats. He reminds Tommy that there is nothing that the oil companies have that the cartels cannot access. Therefore, it would be great for them both if they co-existed.

Galino helps Tommy out through a backdoor when the police show up. Before leaving, Galino mentions that the cartel owns a lot of land and would like to negotiate drilling deals with Tommy. Tommy says he will make time to discuss business and Galino leaves.

Tommy calls Dale to come pick him up. Tommy refuses to go to the hospital, but Dale insists on finding him a doctor to check out the nail wound the following day. Dale shows concern about Tommy’s mental well-being, to which Tommy responds that he might start drinking again.

At home, Angela wakes up to find a battered-up Tommy sleeping on the couch. Angela wants to know what happens, but Tommy cannot tell her the truth. Instead, he tells her that he was in an ordeal where he saw his life flash before his eyes and all he saw was her. Angela tears up, kisses Tommy, and goes to the kitchen to make him blueberry pancakes.

What happens to Ariana and Cooper?

Ariana decides to move Elvio’s things out of the house and gets caught up on looking through photos and other mementoes of their life together all day. Meanwhile, Cooper continues to negotiate farm leases, and everything is going smoothly since every landowner he talks to is impressed by the deal he is offering. Later, when Ariana hears Cooper’s truck, she hops into the shower since she does not want Cooper to see her crying. Cooper sees the photo album in the living room and acknowledges that Ariana had a tough day. Cooper knows their relationship is too soon and asks Ariana if he should move out.

Even though Ariana feels that it is too soon, she does not want Cooper to leave. Cooper says that he does not want to replace Elvio, but Ariana tells him that he is taking up the part in her heart that belonged to Elvio. Ariana explains that she needs time to move Elvio out of her heart before she can begin a new relationship.

Cooper picks up the photo album and starts going through it with Ariana, making her talk about the memories, which eases up things for Ariana. Ariana appreciates Cooper, and he says that he is willing to go through every memory of her and Elvio if that is what she needs. Ariana kisses Cooper, grateful to have him by her side.

What happens to Ainsley?

Ainsley and Angela take the old folks out for a field trip to a strip club. Ryser had made a deal with Ainsley to appear as a male stripper for the old ladies for a reward. Ryder is nervous, but the reward is too tempting, so he gives in. Later, Ryder swings by the house for his reward. Angela directs him upstairs to Ainsley’s room. Ainsley tries dancing for Ryder, but they end up in bed two seconds into the dance.

Ainsley gets teary when she notices that she has never spent a night in someone’s arms. The whole experience is new for Ryder, too. Ainsley begs Ryder to spend the night. Although he is worried Tommy will beat him to a pulp, he chooses to take his chances, holds Ainsley close, kisses her head, and they fall asleep.

What happens to Monty?

Although it is not made clear by the end of the episode that Monty dies, it can be assumed that he does not as his family is seen crying and heartbroken at his bedside. Also, Tommy had told Nate that he felt that Monty would not make it given his health condition had deteriorated.

How does Landman Season 1 end?

At the end of the episode, Tommy limps out of the house to the backyard, leaving Ryder, Ainsley, and Angela making breakfast. He spots another coyote wandering around the same place another one had been previously shot by his neighbour. Tommy warns the coyote to run away since they kill coyotes aroun

The Episode Review

The finale sets the stage for a possible second season of Landman. The writers leave so many uncertainties, starting with Monty’s life or death. His fate has not been made certain, and he can either be alive or dead. If he is alive, will he continue to be CEO of M-Tex Oil in the next season or choose a quiet family life? If he is dead, then it might be time we finally get to see Cami in action. She might take a more dominant role in the running of the company.

Another uncertain issue is if the farm-put deal is a good one. Am I the only one who thinks we might have a father versus son (Cooper versus Tommy) brawl in the next season? It can be assumed that the leases Cooper is busy obtaining are the same ones M-Tex Oil is looking to acquire in their farm-out deal. The possibility creates an opportunity for a major conflict between Rebecca and Cooper. Remember, Rebecca is yearning for an opportunity to crash Cooper to reclaim her wounded ego.

Also, there is the whole issue about Ainsley and college admission. At the beginning of the episode, she said she was taking a week off to set the stage for her school entrance, but we haven’t seen her go to school once throughout the season. On the plus side, she seems to have finally found a keeper in Ryder. Hopefully, in the next season, we will get to see them grow a more stable relationship.

Cooper and Ariana might have something going on there. Cooper might be the greenest flag I have ever seen. It is impossible for a girl to fall in love with him. Will their relationship stand the test of time? It is given that it did not start at the best of times, and we cannot wait to see where their story goes.

The entry of Galino creates a whole new dimension into the conflicts between the oil company and cartels. Galino is different from Jimenez, and it might be harder for Tommy in the next season. What new challenges will Tommy have to deal with in the next season? Will it take a toll on his mental health? What will happen to his family if he has to go head-on with Cooper? All these and many more will probably be answered in the next season of Landman.

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