The Negotiations
With Nairobi and Bogota marveling at the stacks of gold bars, we return to La Casa De Papel with the group under the bank hard at work. As Nairobi lays down the law, the government get to work in tracking down and stopping the heist. Bypassing the proper rules and regulations, all phones are confiscated from the officers and a timer is activated. With desperation creeping in, Colonel Tamayo bypasses the rules to try and speed up proceedings.
The professor tells the group inside the bank to accelerate their plans, sensing this is the case. To help buy them some time, he phones through to the Colonel. Tamayo tells him he’s in charge as we learn about the negotiation process of the operation via a flashback with The Professor. With things looking set to hit a stalemate, Raquel then jumps into the call as Angel takes the headset and speaks himself. After his car crash last season, there’s some real bad blood between the two and he asks what she’s doing before the terms are set. The Geo-Location scrambling works perfectly though, as the phone’s GPS location is all over the place, flustering the police.
Meanwhile the group learn this heist is very different from the first they undertook, with much higher stakes and people actually looking to work with them rather than just trying to escape. However, the Governor is not one of those people. After being shown the process they’re taking of melting down the gold in order to transport it out the bank easier, Denver messes up and headbutts the man into the wall, consequently resulting in him unable to carry out their plan. However, they decide to improvise, using C4 instead while armed guards outside prepare to storm the bank. As the police close in, the episode then ends with the plastic explosives blowing up.
More so than the other episodes in the series, episode 4 sees a great use of classical music used throughout the episode. The way this suddenly stops to silence before kicking back in again as the scenes flutter between the different locations is really nicely shot and helps add some style to the show. For the most part though, the episode is content with moving the pieces, and negotiation, in a meaningful direction. The cliffhanger ending certainly leaves things wide open, with the group bracing themselves for what’s next.
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